32 Gift of Life Quotes to Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

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Everyone loves gifts. Life also gives you many gifts indirectly. Sometimes you will get nothing and sometimes you will get everything. So, how life gives you a gift? Here we are sharing 32 Quotes about the Gift of Life that will help you to know, how life gives you gifts, what is the most valuable gift that life will provide you, and how you can receive them.

The Gift of Life Quotes

Read some inspirational gift of life quotes that will help you to know the value of life.

1. Germany Kent: “You become what you digest into your spirit. Whatever you think about, focus on, read about, talk about, you’re going to attract more of into your life. Make sure they’re all positive.” – This quote reminds us that our thoughts and the things we focus on shape our lives. It inspires us to maintain a positive attitude by choosing to think about, talk about, and immerse ourselves in positive things. By doing this, we can attract more positivity into our lives and become better, happier people.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

2. Kamand Kojouri: “To live truly, one must consider each and everything a blessing.” – This quote encourages us to see every aspect of life as a blessing. It inspires us to appreciate even the small things, finding joy in the simple moments. By doing so, we can lead a more fulfilled and genuine life.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

3. Lord Robin: “Love is the salvation of a forlorn soul and the bounty for a happy living.” – This quote emphasizes the importance of love in our lives. It inspires us to embrace love as it can heal and bring happiness to our hearts. Love is seen as a source of salvation and a key to a joyful life.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

4. Lailah Gifty Akita: “Comparison is a waste of energy. Every individual is unique with unique talents. Find your passion and live your best life.” – This quote discourages comparing ourselves to others. Instead, it encourages us to recognize our uniqueness and focus on our individual talents and passions. This way, we can live our best lives by being true to ourselves.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

5. Sanhita Baruah: “You will never get everything in life but you will get enough.” – This quote reminds us that life may not give us everything we desire, but it provides us with what we need. It inspires contentment and gratitude for the abundance we do have.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

6. Susan Gable: “Breath in, take what life hands you; hold it, accept it; breathe out, let it go.” – This quote encourages us to accept the ups and downs of life with an open heart. It inspires us to embrace life’s experiences, hold on to the meaningful moments, and let go of the burdens that we cannot change.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

7. Martin Ugwu: “Life is a gift, make good memories out of each moment.” – This quote reminds us that life itself is a precious gift. It inspires us to create positive and cherished memories in every moment, making the most out of our lives.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

8. Amy Leigh Mercree: “Celebration and laughter are two of the richest gifts of life.” – This quote highlights the importance of celebrating and finding joy in life. It inspires us to appreciate the moments of happiness, laughter, and celebration as some of life’s greatest treasures.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

9. Lailah Gifty Akita: “Today is a gift. Today is all I have. I will be fully awake today.” – This quote reminds us that each day is a precious gift. It inspires us to live in the present, fully aware and engaged in the opportunities and experiences that today brings.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

10. Craig D. Lounsbrough: “Today is non-refundable. Therefore, I’d better live it in a manner that a refund is unnecessary.” – This quote underscores that we cannot turn back time or get a refund for the day. It inspires us to make the most of today by living it in a way that leaves no regrets.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

11. Amit Ray: “Every morning is a gift of life – bring some smile on your face and welcome the happiness of life.” – This quote encourages us to start each day with a smile and a positive attitude. It inspires us to embrace the new day as a gift and to welcome the happiness that life has to offer.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

12. Kamand Kojouri: “You have been blessed with the gift of life, it is your duty to help others. We are all responsible for one another.” – This quote inspires us to recognize that the life we have is a gift, and with this gift comes a responsibility to help and support others. It encourages us to be kind and caring, to offer assistance to those in need, and to understand that we’re all connected and should look out for each other.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

13. Riitta Klint: “Sometimes people appear in your life unexpectedly like a gift from the Universe. You didn’t even know you needed them, or that you had called out silently to them. They appear when you needed them most, to lift you, educate you, wake you up, or shine a light on your path. They sprout the seed that was in you and patiently watch that seed emerge from the soil. Sometimes it wears them out to the water and fertilizes you every single day as you grow. This is a delicate time, you as the plant, and they as the nurturer. You as the plant need them for your growth, and they as your nurturer, have to have the energy to believe in your growth. Then, one day you blossom, and awaken to the beauty around you and rejoice. The only thing you ask from them anymore is to celebrate the flower they have brought to life and to accept the riches you now will give to them.” – This quote teaches us to appreciate the people who come into our lives unexpectedly, like a precious gift. It shows us that these individuals often bring us valuable lessons, guidance, and support when we need them most. It inspires us to be open to the positive influences and connections that life presents.

14. Bernard Kelvin Clive: “You have been waiting for a gift all the while but you forgot that you are the gift – unwrap the gem within and shine!” – This quote reminds us that each of us is a unique and special gift in this world. It encourages us to discover and share our inner talents and qualities to make a positive impact. It inspires us to recognize our own worth and let our true selves shine.

15. Debasish Mridha: “The real gift of life is not what you give, but who you become in the process of giving.” – This quote highlights that the act of giving and helping others can transform us into better, more compassionate individuals. It inspires us to understand that the true gift of life is not just about what we provide to others but how it shapes our character and makes us kinder and more generous people.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

16. Anthony Lo: “The greatest gift one gave me was happiness, trust, and strength. I value those above anything else.” – This quote emphasizes the value of qualities like happiness, trust, and strength that others can provide us. It inspires us to appreciate the emotional and mental support we receive from people, recognizing that these gifts can be even more precious than material possessions.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

17. Lailah Gifty Akita: “Love is the greatest gift; we can give to one another.” – This quote highlights the significance of love as a powerful gift we can offer to others. It inspires us to express love and kindness in our interactions, understanding that these are among the most meaningful gifts we can give.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

18. Lailah Gifty Akita: “The priceless gifts are freely given by the Creator.” – This quote reminds us that some of the most valuable and precious gifts in life are freely given to us by the Creator or a higher power. It inspires us to recognize the beauty and significance of the natural wonders and blessings that surround us, such as the beauty of the world and the gift of life itself. It encourages us to appreciate these priceless gifts without expecting anything in return.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

19. Munia Khan: “A gift can never be cheap or insignificant because of the heart and love it carries.” – This quote tells us that a gift is never small or unimportant when it comes from the heart and is given with love. It inspires us to remember that the value of a gift is not in its cost, but in the feelings and care behind it. It encourages us to appreciate and cherish even the simplest gestures of love and kindness.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

20. Kaleb Kilton: “Every new breath and day is an opportunity to do something, a gift of life to make a difference in the world.” – This quote reminds us that each new day and every breath we take is a chance to make a positive impact and create change in the world. It inspires us to seize these opportunities and contribute to the betterment of our surroundings and the lives of others.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

21. Lailah Gifty Akita: “Keep the faith. It is the greatest gift.” – This quote emphasizes the importance of maintaining faith and belief. It inspires us to hold onto our faith as a valuable and uplifting gift that can provide strength and hope, especially during challenging times.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

22. Steven Pinker: “Nothing invests life with more meaning than the realization that every moment of sentience is a precious gift.” – This quote highlights the idea that being conscious and aware in each moment of life is a valuable gift in itself. It inspires us to appreciate every moment and recognize the profound meaning and significance in simply being alive.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

23. Lailah Gifty Akita: “Life is defined by time. Time-defined moments. Time is a priceless gift.” – This quote reminds us that life is made up of moments, and time is what defines and shapes those moments. It inspires us to treasure and make the most of our time because it is a precious gift that allows us to experience and create meaningful moments.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

24. Lailah Gifty Akita: “The most precious gift of life is to be alive.” – This quote highlights the simple yet profound truth that the most valuable gift in life is the gift of being alive. It inspires us to appreciate the very fact of our existence and the endless possibilities it offers.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

25. TemitOpe Ibrahim: “Trust GOD with the life He gave you.” – This quote encourages us to have trust in a higher power (God) with the life we’ve been given. It inspires us to believe that our lives are in good hands, and this trust can provide comfort and guidance in our journey.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

26. Kirn Hans: “Every day, God grants us the precious gift of life. Yet every day, we squander it with our selfish, petty concerns, rather than helping someone as He helps us.” – This quote reminds us that every day, we receive the gift of life from a divine source. It inspires us to use this gift wisely by focusing on helping others and being selfless, rather than getting caught up in our own trivial worries.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

27. Lailah Gifty Akita: “God’s greatest blessing; gift of children.” – This quote speaks of the special gift of children as a blessing from God. It inspires us to cherish the presence of children in our lives, recognizing them as one of the greatest gifts we can receive.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

28. Lailah Gifty Akita: “Life is an amazing gift from God to mankind.” – This quote underscores that life itself is an incredible gift from a higher power to humanity. It inspires us to see life as a marvelous and awe-inspiring blessing.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

29. Jane Goodall: “We have the choice to use the gift of our life to make the world a better place.” – This quote empowers us by reminding us that we have the choice to use our lives for a meaningful purpose. It inspires us to contribute to making the world a better and kinder place through our actions and choices.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

30. Lailah Gifty Akita: “Use your unique gifts and talents to make a difference in the world.” – This quote encourages us to recognize our individual talents and abilities as gifts and to use them to create positive change in the world. It inspires us to make a meaningful impact based on our unique strengths.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

31. Debasish Mridha: “Never forget to express your gratitude for the gift of life.” – This quote stresses the importance of being thankful for the gift of life. It inspires us to regularly express our gratitude for the opportunity to be alive and experience all that life offers.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

32. Debasish Mridha: “Take every moment as a gift of life to enjoy. Stress will melt away to fill your heart with gratitude.” – This quote advises us to approach each moment as a precious gift, which can help us release stress and fill our hearts with appreciation. It inspires us to savor life’s moments with joy and thankfulness.

Gift Of Life Quotes To Find Happiness, Trust & Strength

Final Words: I hope you liked the above Gift of life Quotes. Don’t forget to mention the best line that you liked most from the above lines in the comment box below.

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All quotes are collected from Goodreads.

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