23 Affection Quotes to Bind Yourself With Your Loved One

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Affection is a connection between two people, which binds each other with emotion. It can happen between mother and son, brother and brother, father and between son, father, and daughter. It is an invisible connection between one person to another. Read her the most inspiring & motivational quotes about affection that will help to bind yourself with your loved ones.

Inspiring Affection Quotes For you

Find here some affection quotes to bind yourself with people.

1. F. Scott Fitzgerald: “I wasn’t actually in love, but I felt a sort of tender curiosity.” – This quote means that sometimes, we may not be in love, but we can have a gentle interest or fondness for someone.

  • Inspiration: It inspires us to explore and appreciate the many different forms of affection that exist, even if it’s not romantic love. Sometimes, curiosity and tenderness can lead to deeper connections.
  • Tip: Don’t dismiss your feelings just because they aren’t traditional “love.” Embrace the various ways you can care for and connect with others.
Affection Quotes To Bind Yourself With Your Loved One

2. Brené Brown: “We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known.” – This quote suggests that true love grows when we let others see our authentic, vulnerable selves, including our strengths and weaknesses.

  • Inspiration: It encourages us to be open and honest with our feelings and flaws, as this can lead to more meaningful and loving relationships.
  • Tip: Be genuine and allow yourself to be vulnerable with those you care about; it can deepen your connections.

3. Buddha: “You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” – This quote means that you should love and treat yourself with the same kindness and affection you offer to others.

  • Inspiration: It reminds us to prioritize self-love and self-care, which can lead to a happier and healthier life.
  • Tip: Remember to be kind to yourself and practice self-compassion. You deserve your own love.
Affection Quotes To Bind Yourself With Your Loved One

4. Dalai Lama: “We can live without religion and meditation, but we cannot survive without human affection.” – This quote highlights that while we can survive without religious or meditative practices, we can’t thrive without the warmth of human affection and connection.

  • Inspiration: It emphasizes the importance of human relationships in our lives and how they enrich our existence.
  • Tip: Cherish and nurture your human connections; they are essential for your well-being.
Affection Quotes To Bind Yourself With Your Loved One

5. Franklin D. Roosevelt: “Self-interest is the enemy of all true affection.” – This quote suggests that focusing solely on your own interests can hinder genuine affection and love for others.

  • Inspiration: It reminds us to prioritize selflessness and care for others to foster true affection in our relationships.
  • Tip: Practice empathy and put the needs and feelings of others on par with your own for healthier, more affectionate relationships.
Affection Quotes To Bind Yourself With Your Loved One

6. Michael Bassey Johnson: “The more attention you give to your loved ones, the less affection you receive from them.” – This quote indicates that excessive attention can sometimes lead to reduced affection in relationships.

  • Inspiration: It encourages us to strike a balance in our relationships, giving attention without overwhelming others.
  • Tip: Show your love and care, but also respect personal space and boundaries in your relationships.
Affection Quotes To Bind Yourself With Your Loved One

7. Isabel Allende: “Affection is like the noonday sun; it does not need the presence of another to be manifest.” – This quote conveys that affection, like the sun at noon, can shine brightly even when no one else is around.

  • Inspiration: It inspires us to be loving and kind, whether or not someone is there to witness it, as genuine affection comes from within.
  • Tip: Practice kindness and affection towards yourself and others, regardless of external validation.

8. Israelmore Ayivor: “LOVE is made up of a strong affection and patience whiles LUST is made up of strong affection and impatience. Affection is common to them, but patience is not common.” – This quote distinguishes between love, which includes patience, and lust, which lacks patience, even though both involve affection.

  • Inspiration: It reminds us that true love requires patience and understanding, not just strong feelings.
  • Tip: Cultivate patience in your relationships to build lasting and meaningful connections.
Affection Quotes To Bind Yourself With Your Loved One

9. Brahmakumaris: “Any love or happiness is given to anyone always comes back. Unfortunately, we expect it from the same person.” – This quote suggests that love and happiness, when given to someone, often come back to us, but we mistakenly expect them to come from the same person.

  • Inspiration: It encourages us to share love and happiness with others without expecting them to be the sole source of our joy.
  • Tip: Spread love and happiness generously and appreciate the many sources from which they can return to you.
Affection Quotes To Bind Yourself With Your Loved One

Caring Affection Quotes for Parents

Find here some caring affection quotes that will be helpful for parents.

10. Pradeepa Pandiyan: “No man can protect you like your father, No woman can love you like your mother.” – This quote means that a father’s protection and a mother’s love are unique and special in their own ways.

  • Inspiration: It reminds us of the deep care and affection parents have for their children, which can’t be easily replaced by anyone else.
  • Tip: Cherish and appreciate the love and protection your parents provide, as it is truly one of a kind.

11. Bryant McGill: “Life wants you to be able to fully receive and give affection and love.” – This quote suggests that life encourages us to both receive and give affection and love wholeheartedly.

  • Inspiration: It inspires us to embrace affection and love as an essential part of our lives, fostering stronger connections.
  • Tip: Open your heart to giving and receiving affection to lead a more fulfilling and connected life.
Affection Quotes To Bind Yourself With Your Loved One

12. Lailah Gifty Akita: “Love is sweet affection between two souls.” – This quote defines love as a gentle and sweet connection between two people’s souls.

  • Inspiration: It reminds us of the beauty and tenderness that love brings into our lives.
  • Tip: Recognize and appreciate the sweet affection you share with your loved ones.
Affection Quotes To Bind Yourself With Your Loved One

13. Amanda Mosher: “Affection is the source of self-confidence, happiness, security, and a comfortable mental state.” – This quote tells us that affection is the foundation of self-confidence, happiness, security, and a peaceful state of mind.

  • Inspiration: It emphasizes the positive impact of affection in our lives, nurturing our well-being.
  • Tip: Foster and share affection to boost your self-esteem, happiness, and mental well-being.

14. J.C. Ryle: “The greater are our affections the deeper are our afflictions, and the more we love the more we have to weep.” – This quote suggests that the stronger our affections, the more intense our sorrows can be, and loving deeply means we may experience deeper grief.

  • Inspiration: It reminds us that love comes with both joy and sadness, and that’s a part of life.
  • Tip: Embrace the full spectrum of emotions that love brings, understanding that they are all part of the experience.

15. Seneca The Younger: “There is no power greater than true affection.” – This quote asserts that genuine affection holds tremendous strength and influence.

  • Inspiration: It highlights the immense power of love and affection in our relationships and lives.
  • Tip: Recognize the strength of true affection and let it guide your actions and choices.
Affection Quotes To Bind Yourself With Your Loved One

16. Bertrand Russell: “Affection cannot be created; it can only be liberated.” – This quote means that affection is already within us; we just need to set it free.

  • Inspiration: It encourages us to unleash the affection we have within us and share it with others.
  • Tip: Don’t hold back your affection; let it flow freely and enrich your relationships and life.

Best affection quotes for all

17. George Bernard Shaw: “First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity.” – This quote suggests that when we experience our first love, it’s mostly about curiosity and a touch of youthful naivety.

  • Inspiration: It inspires us to embrace the innocent and inquisitive aspects of love, especially in our early relationships.
  • Tip: Don’t be too hard on yourself for youthful romantic experiences; they’re part of growing up.
Affection Quotes To Bind Yourself With Your Loved One

18. Dalai Lama: “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.” – This quote means that love and compassion are essential for all people; without them, the world would be a difficult place to live in.

  • Inspiration: It encourages us to prioritize kindness and empathy in our interactions and in the world.
  • Tip: Practice love and compassion in your daily life to make the world a better place.
Affection Quotes To Bind Yourself With Your Loved One

19. Terry McMillan: “Every human being I know craves love and affection.” – This quote expresses that everyone desires love and affection; it’s a universal need.

  • Inspiration: It reminds us that we all seek love and affection, making it important to offer and receive.
  • Tip: Be mindful of the need for affection in others and be generous with your love.

20. Rolf Harris: “Try and spread a lot of love and affection around the world.” – This quote encourages us to share love and affection widely, making the world a more caring place.

  • Inspiration: It inspires us to be agents of affection and kindness, promoting a more loving world.
  • Tip: Make an effort to spread love and affection to those you know and even to strangers.

21. Theophile Gautier: “If you are worthy of its affection, a cat will be your friend but never your slave.” – This quote explains that when a cat loves you, it’s like having a friend, but they’ll always keep their independent spirit.

  • Inspiration: It encourages us to appreciate the unique bonds we have with pets and respect their individuality.
  • Tip: Love and care for your pets, understanding that they have their own personalities.
Affection Quotes To Bind Yourself With Your Loved One

22. Joseph Butler: “People might love themselves with the most entire and unbounded affection, and yet be extremely miserable.” – This quote suggests that even if someone loves themselves very much, they can still be very unhappy.

  • Inspiration: It reminds us that self-love alone may not guarantee happiness; other factors play a role too.
  • Tip: Seek a balance between self-love and external factors for a happier life.
Affection Quotes To Bind Yourself With Your Loved One

23. Abdul Qadeer Khan: “No money on earth can buy the love and affection that has been given to me by a grateful nation.” – This quote conveys that the love and affection from a thankful nation is priceless and can’t be purchased with money.

  • Inspiration: It emphasizes the value of genuine love and appreciation from others.
  • Tip: Treasure the love and gratitude you receive from those you’ve helped or touched in meaningful ways. It’s more valuable than material wealth.

Final Words: I hope you liked the above Inspiring Affection Quotes. Don’t forget to mention the best line that you liked most from the above lines in the comment box below.

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Quotes source: Goodreads

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