23 Best Being Different Quotes To Create A Unique Identity

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If you want to do something unique in your life, then you must be different than everyone else. When you become different, you can attract people toward yourself. Then everyone will follow you, and you can make a separate identity for yourself. Here we are sharing some Being Different Quotes that will help you to make yourself different from everyone else.

Being Different Quotes

Find here some motivational being different quotes that will help you to achieve something unique.

1. Mizuki Nomura: “Everybody in the world wants to be understood and to have others appreciate them. Being different is scary.” – This quote by Mizuki Nomura tells us that people have a universal desire to be recognized and valued for who they are. However, being different can be intimidating because it might make you feel like others won’t understand or appreciate you. It highlights the fear that can come with embracing one’s uniqueness.

Being Different Quotes That Will Make You Either Blessed Or Cursed

2. Criss Jami: “When you’re the only sane person, you look like the only insane person.” – Criss Jami’s quote suggests that if you’re the only one who thinks and acts rationally while everyone else behaves differently, it can make you appear strange or “insane” in comparison. This quote illustrates the idea that being different can sometimes make you stand out, even if it means being seen as unusual.

Being Different Quotes That Will Make You Either Blessed Or Cursed

3. Yana Toboso: “So what? You’re another person, so of course, you look different. What do you need to be ashamed for?” – Yana Toboso’s quote encourages us to embrace our individuality. It reminds us that every person is unique, and looking different from others is completely normal. There’s no reason to feel embarrassed or ashamed about being different; it’s what makes us who we are.

Being Different Quotes That Will Make You Either Blessed Or Cursed

4. Susane Colasanti: “Just because a person chooses to express themselves in an extreme way doesn’t mean they have an extreme personality.” – Susane Colasanti’s quote teaches us not to judge someone’s character solely based on their outward expression. People who express themselves uniquely or in an extreme manner may still have a balanced and not necessarily “extreme” personality within. It reminds us not to make assumptions about others based on appearances.

Quotes on not following the crowd

5. Mehmet Murat ildan: “Be different so that people can see you clearly amongst the crowds.” – This quote by Mehmet Murat ildan emphasizes the importance of being different from the crowd. It suggests that standing out and embracing your uniqueness helps you become easily visible and recognized amidst a large group of people.

Being Different Quotes That Will Make You Either Blessed Or Cursed

6. Albert Einstein: “The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd.” – Albert Einstein’s quote highlights that if you simply follow what everyone else is doing, you’re likely to achieve only what the crowd achieves. To go beyond and achieve more, you must be willing to be different and think independently.

Being Different Quotes That Will Make You Either Blessed Or Cursed

7. Julian Aguilar: “The beauty of life is to be different. Set yourself apart from the crowd, and flourish into the person you were meant to be.” – Julian Aguilar’s quote emphasizes the beauty of life in being unique. It encourages us to separate ourselves from the crowd and fully develop into the person we are meant to be. It’s about embracing our individuality and personal growth.

Being Different Quotes That Will Make You Either Blessed Or Cursed

8. Albert Einstein: “The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.” – In this quote, Albert Einstein suggests that individuals who are willing to walk their own path and not follow the crowd may discover new and uncharted territories or opportunities. It underscores the benefits of independent thinking and action.

9. Oliver Gaspirtz: “Ordinary people are products of their environment and fit in. Artists transcend their environment and stand out.” – Oliver Gaspirtz’s quote contrasts ordinary people who conform to their surroundings with artists or creative individuals who rise above their environment and stand out. It highlights the idea that creativity and uniqueness often require breaking away from the norm.

Being Different Quotes That Will Make You Either Blessed Or Cursed

10. Mehmet Murat ildan: “To see something different gives you a chance to be something different!” – This quote by Mehmet Murat ildan conveys that encountering new and different experiences can open doors for personal growth and change. It suggests that embracing novelty and diversity can lead to personal transformation.

11. Andy Andrews: “Everybody wants to make a difference, but nobody is willing to be different.” – Andy Andrews’ quote highlights a common desire to have a positive impact on the world. However, it points out that not everyone is willing to embrace their uniqueness and stand out from the crowd. Being different is often a key to making a meaningful difference.

Being Different Quotes That Will Make You Either Blessed Or Cursed

12. Mehmet Murat ildan: “When you are like everyone, you are nobody; but when you are different from everyone, you are somebody!” – This quote by Mehmet Murat ildan emphasizes that conforming to the crowd makes you blend in and become unremarkable. However, being different and unique sets you apart, making you a notable and significant individual.

13. Amit Kalantri: “What makes you unique is what makes you attractive.” – This quote by Amit Kalantri tells us that the things that make us different and special are the same things that make us interesting and appealing to others. It inspires us to embrace our uniqueness because it is what sets us apart and makes us attractive to those around us.

14. Suzy Kassem: “Being different and thinking differently make a person unforgettable. History does not remember the forgettable. It honors the unique minority the majority cannot forget.” – Suzy Kassem’s quote emphasizes that individuals who are different and think in unique ways are the ones who stand out and are remembered throughout history. It encourages us to be distinctive and not blend into the forgettable majority.

Quotes to become unique from everyone:

15. Ogwo David Emenike: “Better to embrace the discomfort of being different than the comfort of fitting in.” – Ogwo David Emenike’s quote suggests that it’s better to accept the challenges and discomfort that come with being different rather than seeking the comfort of fitting in with the crowd. It inspires us to value our uniqueness and not be afraid to stand out.

Being Different Quotes That Will Make You Either Blessed Or Cursed

16. Michael Porter: “Strategy is about making choices; it’s about deliberately choosing to be different.” – This quote by Michael Porter emphasizes that creating a unique strategy in life or any endeavor involves making deliberate choices to set yourself apart from others. It inspires us to intentionally choose to be different in our actions and decisions.

Being Different Quotes That Will Make You Either Blessed Or Cursed

17. Shannon L. Alder: “Common people are often enough; that is why God made so many of them. Your job is to be— EXTRAORDINARY.” – Shannon L. Alder’s quote highlights that being ordinary or common is not a problem because many people are like that. The real challenge is to be extraordinary and different from the ordinary. It encourages us to strive for uniqueness and stand out.

Being Different Quotes That Will Make You Either Blessed Or Cursed

18. Mehmet Murat ildan: “When you do something different, you are either blessed or cursed!” – This quote by Mehmet Murat ildan suggests that when you choose to do things in a unique and unconventional way, the outcome can be either very positive (blessed) or negative (cursed). It inspires us to take risks and embrace our uniqueness, no matter the outcome.

19. Hiral Nagda: “Being yourself is probably the only thing you need to skyrocket your life.” – Hiral Nagda’s quote conveys that simply being yourself and embracing your uniqueness can lead to significant personal growth and success. It inspires us to value our individuality and use it as a driving force in our lives.

20. Jaachynma N.E. Agu: “Don’t set your goals by what other people deem important.” – This quote by Jaachynma N.E. Agu encourages us not to base our goals and aspirations on what others consider important or popular. It inspires us to set our own goals based on our individual desires and values.

21. Mehmet Murat ildan: “Only when we see something different we can consider ourselves to have seen something!” – Mehmet Murat ildan’s quote suggests that true novelty and uniqueness are only experienced when we encounter something different from the usual. It inspires us to seek and appreciate the value in being different.

22. Suzy Kassem: “To be successful, one has to be one of three bees – the queen bee, the hardest working bee, or the bee that does not fit in.” – Suzy Kassem’s quote implies that in order to succeed, one must either be the leader (queen bee), the most diligent and dedicated (hardest working bee), or someone who doesn’t conform to the crowd. It inspires us to embrace our uniqueness to achieve success.

23. Shannon L. Alder: “Unique is what one person does alone. What is not unique is what others have to collaborate on.” – Shannon L. Alder’s quote suggests that uniqueness is achieved when one person does something independently. It emphasizes that what requires collaboration or is done by many is not truly unique. It inspires us to value and pursue our individual endeavors.

I hope you liked the above Being Different Quotes. Don’t forget to mention the best line that you liked most from the above lines in the comment box below.

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All these quotes are collected from Goodreads.

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