39 Blaise Pascal Quotes About Truth, Mind, Distraction

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Blaise Pascal, a wise thinker from the past, left us with a treasure trove of quotes that are both simple and profound. In this post, we’ll explore his quotes that touch on various aspects of life, from understanding truth and nature to finding happiness and personal success. Pascal’s insights are like little gems of wisdom that can inspire and guide us in our journey through life.

Who is Blaise Pascal?

Blaise Pascal was a French mathematician, physicist, inventor, philosopher, writer, and Catholic theologian.

In the 1650s, Blaise Pascal laid the foundation for the modern theory of probabilities, formulated what came to be known as Pascal’s principle of pressure, and propagated a religious doctrine that taught the experience of God through the heart rather than through reason. In 1642, while still a teenager, he started some pioneering work on calculating machines, establishing him as one of the first two inventors of the mechanical calculator.

Blaise Pascal Quotes

The best inspiring Blaise Pascal Quotes will help you to know about the truth of life.

1. “Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.” – In simple words, this quote tells us that sometimes people can do really bad things, and they can do them happily, especially when they think they are doing it for their religion. It reminds us to be careful about blindly following beliefs without thinking about what’s right.

Blaise Pascal Quotes To Know About Truth, Mind, Distraction & Nature

2. “I would prefer an intelligent hell to a stupid paradise.” – This quote means that it’s better to be in a difficult or challenging situation where you can think and learn than to be in an easy and boring place. It encourages us to value our intelligence and the opportunity to learn and grow.

3. “Man is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness from which he emerges and the infinity in which he is engulfed.” – This quote is saying that people find it hard to understand the vastness of the universe they come from and the endless possibilities in it. It reminds us to be humble and aware of the world’s mysteries.

Blaise Pascal Quotes To Know About Truth, Mind, Distraction & Nature

4. “Knowing God without knowing our wretchedness leads to pride.” – This quote means that if someone believes in God but doesn’t realize their own flaws and weaknesses, they might become too proud and think they are better than others. It teaches us to be humble and self-aware.

Blaise Pascal Quotes To Know About Truth, Mind, Distraction & Nature

5. “Knowing our wretchedness without knowing God leads to despair.” – This quote suggests that if we only focus on our flaws and problems without considering something greater like God, it can make us very sad. It encourages us to find a balance between recognizing our imperfections and having faith.

6. “There is enough light for those who only desire to see and enough obscurity for those who have a contrary disposition.” – This quote means that if you want to understand things, you can find answers, and if you want to stay confused, you can find confusion. It tells us that it’s up to us to seek knowledge or stay in the dark.

7. “Man’s greatness comes from knowing he is wretched.” – This quote tells us that recognizing our flaws and imperfections is what makes us truly great. It encourages us to be honest about our weaknesses and work on improving ourselves.

Blaise Pascal Quotes To Know About Truth, Mind, Distraction & Nature

8. “Kind words don’t cost much. Yet they accomplish much.” – This quote means that saying nice things to others doesn’t take much effort or money, but it can make a big difference in people’s lives. It reminds us to be kind and considerate in our words.

Blaise Pascal Quotes To Know About Truth, Mind, Distraction & Nature

9. “You always admire what you really don’t understand.” – This quote suggests that we often admire things or people we don’t fully comprehend. It encourages us to try to understand things better before forming judgments or opinions.

10. “Words differently arranged have different meanings, and meanings differently arranged have different effects.” – This quote tells us that the way we use words and how we structure our thoughts can change their meaning and impact. It reminds us to be mindful of how we communicate.

11. “Kind words produce their images on men’s souls.” – This quote means that when we say nice things to others, it leaves a positive mark on their hearts and minds. It encourages us to be kind with our words, as they can deeply affect people.

Blaise Pascal Quotes To Know About Truth, Mind, Distraction & Nature

Blaise Pascal’s Quotes on Truth:

12. “It is man’s natural sickness to believe that he possesses the truth.” – In simple words, this quote tells us that people often think they know everything and have the absolute truth, but this is a common mistake. It inspires us to stay humble and open-minded, recognizing that we may not have all the answers.

13. “Contradiction is not a sign of falsity, nor the lack of contradiction a sign of truth.” – This quote means that just because something doesn’t agree with what we already believe doesn’t mean it’s wrong, and just because something doesn’t have any disagreements doesn’t make it automatically true. It encourages us to be critical thinkers and not jump to conclusions.

14. “We desire truth and find within ourselves only uncertainty.” – This quote suggests that we all want to know the truth, but often, we’re uncertain and unsure. It inspires us to keep seeking the truth, even when it’s not easy to find, and to accept that uncertainty is a natural part of our search for knowledge.

Blaise Pascal Quotes To Know About Truth, Mind, Distraction & Nature

15. “Truth is not an object to be possessed; it is a living thing recognized, cultivated by the mind and heart.” – This quote tells us that truth isn’t something we can just own or possess; it’s something we have to actively work on discovering and understanding. It encourages us to be both intellectually and emotionally engaged in our pursuit of truth.

Blaise Pascal’s Quotes on Mind:

16. “Dull minds are never either intuitive or mathematical.” – This quote means that people with uninspired and uninterested minds struggle with both creative thinking (intuitive) and logical thinking (mathematical). It encourages us to keep our minds active and curious.

17. “Clarity of mind means clarity of passion, too; this is why a great and clear mind loves ardently and sees distinctly what it loves.” – This quote suggests that when your mind is clear and focused, your feelings and passions are also clear and strong. It inspires us to have a clear and focused mind in order to understand and cherish the things we care about.

Blaise Pascal Quotes To Know About Truth, Mind, Distraction & Nature

18. “Small minds are concerned with the extraordinary, great minds with the ordinary.” – This quote tells us that small-minded people are often fascinated by unusual or extraordinary things, while truly great minds find wonder and importance in everyday, ordinary matters. It encourages us to appreciate the simple and ordinary aspects of life.

Blaise Pascal Quotes To Know About Truth, Mind, Distraction & Nature

19. “Distraction is the only thing that consoles us for miseries and yet it is itself the greatest of our miseries.” – This quote means that we often turn to distractions to feel better when we’re unhappy, but in the end, those distractions can be the biggest source of our unhappiness. It inspires us to find healthier ways to deal with our problems and not rely on distractions.

Blaise Pascal Quotes To Know About Truth, Mind, Distraction & Nature

Blaise Pascal’s Thoughts on Nature:

20. “Nature is an infinite sphere whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.” – This quote means that nature is all around us, and it’s vast and limitless. It inspires us to see the beauty and wonder in the world, realizing that nature’s center is everywhere, and its edges can’t be found.

21. “Nature has made all her truths independent of one another. Our art makes one dependent on the other.” – This quote tells us that in nature, everything works on its own, independently. But sometimes, in our human creations and art, we make things depend on each other. It encourages us to appreciate the simplicity and self-sufficiency of nature.

Blaise Pascal Quotes To Know About Truth, Mind, Distraction & Nature

22. “The only religion which is against nature, against common sense and against our pleasures is the only one which has always existed.” – This quote suggests that religions that go against the natural, sensible, and enjoyable aspects of life have been around for a long time. It inspires us to think critically about the beliefs and rules we follow and consider what makes sense.

23. “Men seek rest in a struggle against difficulties; and when they have conquered these, rest becomes insufferable.” – This quote means that people often find satisfaction in overcoming challenges, but when they have no more problems to solve, they become unhappy. It inspires us to embrace both challenges and rest in our lives for balance.

Blaise Pascal Quotes To Know About Truth, Mind, Distraction & Nature

Blaise Pascal’s Thoughts on Heart:

24. “The heart has reasons that reason cannot know.” – This quote tells us that the heart, our feelings and emotions, sometimes make decisions that our logical thinking can’t fully understand. It inspires us to acknowledge the importance of our emotions and intuition in decision-making.

25. “We must keep our thought secret, and judge everything by it while talking like the people.” – This quote suggests that we should have our own thoughts and beliefs but be able to discuss things with others in a way they can understand. It inspires us to be open-minded and communicate effectively with different people.

Blaise Pascal Quotes To Know About Truth, Mind, Distraction & Nature

26. “Passion cannot be beautiful without excess; one either loves too much or not enough.” – This quote means that strong emotions, like love, can be incredibly beautiful, but they need to be intense. It inspires us to feel deeply and passionately about the things and people we care about.

Blaise Pascal Quotes To Know About Truth, Mind, Distraction & Nature

27. “Nothing is so intolerable to man as being fully at rest, without a passion, without business, without entertainment, without care.” – This quote tells us that people find it very hard to be completely at peace without something to do or care about. It inspires us to find meaning and passion in life, as idleness can be challenging for us.

Blaise Pascal’s Personal Success Motivation:

28. “When we read too fast or too slowly, we understand nothing.” – This quote reminds us that understanding things in life requires the right balance – not rushing through or going too slow. It inspires us to approach learning and experiences at a pace that allows us to truly grasp and appreciate them.

29. “Happiness can be found neither in ourselves nor in external things, but in God and in ourselves as united to him.” – This quote suggests that true happiness isn’t in possessions or within us alone but in a connection with something greater, like God. It inspires us to seek deeper meaning and connection in our lives.

Blaise Pascal Quotes To Know About Truth, Mind, Distraction & Nature

30. “All of the human unhappiness comes from one single thing: not knowing how to remain at rest in a room.” – This quote means that a lot of our unhappiness comes from not being content when we have nothing to do. It encourages us to find contentment and peace even in stillness and solitude.

31. “Power rules the world, not opinion, but it is an opinion that exploits power.” – This quote tells us that power is what controls the world, not people’s beliefs or opinions. However, people’s opinions can influence how power is used. It inspires us to use our opinions wisely to shape the use of power.

Blaise Pascal Quotes To Know About Truth, Mind, Distraction & Nature

Inspiring Quotes by Blaise Pascal:

32. “Little things comfort us because little things distress us.” – This quote means that small, positive things can make us feel better because little negative things can upset us. It inspires us to focus on the small joys in life.

33. “To understand is to forgive.” – This quote tells us that when we understand why someone did something, we’re more likely to forgive them. It inspires us to be understanding and forgiving.

34. “In difficult times carry something beautiful in your heart.” – This quote encourages us to find beauty and positivity within ourselves during tough times. It inspires us to remain hopeful and resilient.

Blaise Pascal Quotes To Know About Truth, Mind, Distraction & Nature

35. “Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical.” – This quote means that fairness and justice need power to be effective, and power without fairness is oppressive. It inspires us to stand for justice and fairness.

36. “Lust is the source of all our actions, and humanity.” – This quote suggests that our desires and passions drive our actions and define our humanity. It inspires us to understand and manage our desires.

37. “Man’s sensitivity to little things and insensitivity to the greatest things are marks of a strange disorder.” – This quote highlights the oddity of people caring too much about small matters but neglecting important ones. It inspires us to focus on what truly matters in life.

Blaise Pascal Quotes To Know About Truth, Mind, Distraction & Nature

38. “The power of a man’s virtue should not be measured by his special efforts but by his ordinary doing.” – This quote suggests that true virtue isn’t shown in extraordinary actions but in how we consistently behave in everyday life. It inspires us to live virtuously in our daily routines.

39. “All our reasoning comes down to surrendering to feeling.” – This quote tells us that, ultimately, our logical reasoning is often guided by our emotions. It inspires us to be in touch with our feelings and use them wisely in our decision-making.

Final Words: I hope you liked the above Blaise Pascal Quotes. Don’t forget to mention the best line that you liked most from the above lines in the comment box below.

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All quotes are collected from Goodreads.

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