99 I AM Affirmations for Self-love, Self-esteem, and Self-confidence

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Find here the list of 99 positive I AM Affirmations that will help you to attract self-love, self-esteem, and self-confidence for yourself.

Self-love teaches you to take care of yourself, think about yourself, listen to your own heart, honoring one’s own happiness. Therefore everyone should practice self-love in life. If you do not love yourself, if you do not respect yourself, then you cannot expect yourself to be loved and respected by others. The following “I AM Affirmations for self-love” will not make you selfish, rather it will train your mind to love more yourself at every time and every moment. Let’s read those I AM Affirmations to attract more self-love, self-esteem, and self-confidence in your life.

Also Read: List of 137 I AM Rich Affirmations to attract money and happiness

Top 25 I AM Affirmations

1. “I accept myself exactly as I am”: This affirmation helps you acknowledge and embrace all aspects of yourself, including your flaws and imperfections. It fosters self-compassion and reduces self-criticism, leading to greater peace of mind and self-acceptance.

2. “I respect myself”: By affirming self-respect, you prioritize your own well-being and boundaries. It encourages you to make decisions that honor your values and needs, leading to healthier relationships and a stronger sense of self-worth.

3. “I love and embrace all of myself”: Loving and embracing all parts of yourself, both the good and the bad, fosters a deeper sense of self-love and inner harmony. It allows you to cultivate self-compassion and kindness towards yourself, promoting emotional resilience and self-acceptance.

4. “I am radiant”: This affirmation helps you tap into your inner light and confidence, allowing your true essence to shine through. It boosts your self-esteem and presence, making you feel more empowered and attractive to others.

5. “I am beautiful”: By affirming your beauty, you celebrate your unique physical appearance and inner qualities. It enhances your self-esteem and body positivity, helping you recognize and appreciate your inherent worth and attractiveness.

6. “I am confident in myself and my worth”: Confidence in yourself and your worthiness enables you to pursue your goals and dreams with conviction. It strengthens your self-belief and resilience, allowing you to overcome challenges and setbacks more effectively.

7. “I believe in myself and I trust myself”: Believing in and trusting yourself cultivates a sense of self-reliance and empowerment. It instills confidence in your abilities and decisions, enabling you to navigate life’s uncertainties with greater ease and assurance.

8. “I shine brightest when I am my true self”: Embracing your authenticity allows you to express yourself freely and confidently. It encourages you to honor your values and passions, leading to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

9. “I am beautifully unique and incomparable to others”: Recognizing your unique qualities and strengths helps you appreciate your individuality and worth. It fosters self-acceptance and resilience, freeing you from the trap of comparison and self-doubt.

10. “I love my body”: Loving your body promotes body positivity and self-care. It encourages you to treat your body with kindness and respect, leading to improved physical and mental well-being.

11. “I am grateful for my body and all it does to support me”: Gratitude for your body acknowledges its miraculous abilities and the role it plays in your life. It fosters a positive relationship with your body and encourages healthy habits and self-care practices.

12. “All of me is beautiful”: This affirmation reinforces the idea that beauty comes in many forms, beyond just physical appearance. It celebrates your inner qualities, strengths, and uniqueness, promoting a deeper sense of self-love and acceptance.

13. “I am worthy”: Affirming your worthiness reminds you that you deserve love, respect, and happiness. It counteracts feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, empowering you to pursue your goals and aspirations with confidence and self-assurance.

14. “My worth is innate and cannot be taken away”: This affirmation reminds you that your value as a person is inherent and cannot be diminished by external factors or opinions. It instills a sense of self-assurance and confidence, helping you navigate life’s challenges with resilience and self-belief.

15. “I have enough, I do enough, I am enough”: By affirming your enoughness, you shift your focus from feelings of inadequacy to a sense of self-sufficiency and contentment. It fosters gratitude for what you have accomplished and who you are, promoting greater self-acceptance and inner peace.

16. “I am good enough”: Recognizing your inherent goodness and worthiness helps you overcome self-doubt and insecurities. It boosts your self-esteem and confidence, empowering you to pursue your goals and dreams with conviction and self-assurance.

17. “I am powerful”: This affirmation empowers you to recognize and harness your inner strength and potential. It encourages you to take charge of your life and make positive changes, leading to greater fulfillment and success.

18. “I am powerful when I respect myself”: Acknowledging the connection between self-respect and personal power reinforces the importance of honoring your own boundaries and values. It empowers you to assert yourself confidently and assertively, leading to healthier relationships and a stronger sense of self.

19. “I am powerful when I love myself”: Self-love is a source of inner strength and resilience. By affirming self-love, you cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and others, leading to greater confidence, authenticity, and empowerment.

20. “I am a force”: This affirmation embodies the idea of being unstoppable and influential. It encourages you to embrace your personal power and take bold action towards your goals and aspirations, making a positive impact on your life and those around you.

21. “I am strong, I am brave, I am resilient”: Affirming your strength, bravery, and resilience instills a sense of courage and fortitude. It helps you face challenges with confidence and perseverance, knowing that you have the inner resources to overcome adversity.

22. “I respect my energy and protect it with love”: Recognizing the importance of self-care and boundaries, this affirmation encourages you to prioritize your energy and well-being. It empowers you to set healthy boundaries and engage in activities that nourish and replenish your spirit.

23. “I prioritize myself and my well-being”: Prioritizing self-care and well-being is essential for a balanced and fulfilling life. This affirmation reminds you to make your needs a priority, fostering greater physical, emotional, and mental health.

24. “I love being my most authentic self”: Embracing your authenticity allows you to live with greater freedom and fulfillment. This affirmation encourages you to be true to yourself and express your unique qualities and passions without fear or hesitation.

25. “I am smart, I am creative, I am capable”: Affirming your intelligence, creativity, and capabilities boosts your self-confidence and empowers you to tackle challenges and pursue your aspirations. It reminds you of your strengths and potential, fostering a positive mindset and outlook on life.

Positive I AM Affirmations to love yourself

26. I have everything I need within me to succeed.

27. I am exactly where I meant to be.

28. I am loved.

29. I choose love over fear.

30. I am ready to step into my true power.

31. I release all that does not align with my truest self.

32. I am ready to thrive as my highest self.

33. I have the power to shape my story.

34. I have the power to create my dream life.

35. I accept myself exactly as I am.

36. I respect myself.

37. I love and embrace all of me.

38. I am radiant.

39. I am beautiful.

40. I am confident in myself and my worth.

41. I believe in myself and I trust myself.

42. I shine brightest when I am my true self.

43. I am beautifully unique and incomparable to others.

44. I love my body.

45. I am grateful for my body and all it does to support me.

46. All of me is beautiful.

47. I am worthy.

48. My worth is innate and cannot be taken away.

49. I have enough I do enough I am enough.

50. I am good enough.

Powerful Self-love I AM Affirmations for Self-esteem 

51. I am powerful.

52. I am powerful when I respect myself.

53. I am powerful when I love myself.

54. I am a force.

55. I am strong I am brave I am resilient.

56. I respect my energy and protect it.

57. I prioritize myself and my well-being.

58. I love being my most authentic self.

59. I am smart I am creative I am capable.

60. I have everything I need within me to succeed.

61. I am exactly where I’m meant to be.

62. I am loved.

63. I choose love over fear.

64. I am ready to step into my true power.

65. I release all that does not align with my truest self.

66. I am ready to thrive as my highest self.

67. I am ready to thrive as my highest self.

68. I have the power to shape my story.

69. I have the power to create my dream life.

70. I deeply love and appreciate myself just as I am.

71. I am beautiful and strong.

72. Life treats me well and I treat myself well.

73. I am worthy of my desires.

74. I am filled with gratitude for who I am.

75. I have unique talents that the world needs.

76. I am worthy of love and prosperity.

77. I bring light to those around me.

Self-love Affirmations to attract more love

78. I am proud of myself for all that I have accomplished.

79. I am now creating the life that I love.

80. I have enough.

81. I am enough.

82. I do enough.

83. I believe in myself and my ability to succeed.

84. I believe in my own magic and the difference that I make in this world.

85. I will always take good care of myself.

86. I deserve new positive and exciting experiences.

87. I am worthy of being loved, cherished, and celebrated.

88. I am full of potential and I have so much to offer the world.

89. my life is full of abundance and happiness.

90. I attract wonderful people and opportunities into my life.

91. I am living to my fullest potential.

92. I deserve all that is good.

93. My voice is valuable and my opinion matters.

94. I radiate confidence self-respect and inner harmony.

95. I am wise and humble.

96. I am truly a beautiful soul.

97. I trust myself more than others.

98. I am kind to myself.

99. I have confidence in myself.

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Source: YouTube

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