Best 30 Justin Trudeau Quotes to Become a Leader

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Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, has shared many inspiring and thought-provoking quotes over the years. These quotes reflect his views on leadership, diversity, and the values that shape his political decisions. In this post, we’ll explore some of Justin Trudeau’s quotes and their meanings in simple words, and discover how they can inspire us in our own lives. Whether you’re interested in politics or just seeking wisdom, you’ll find his words provide valuable insights. Let’s explore some Justin Trudeau quotes and what they can teach us.

Justin Trudeau Quotes

Justin Trudeau Quotes to become a true leader

1. “Who cares about winning? We should focus on serving.” – Justin Trudeau is saying that instead of just trying to win and be in charge, we should concentrate on helping and serving others.

Inspiration: This quote inspires us to prioritize helping and serving others over personal ambition. It encourages us to think beyond our own success and focus on making a positive impact on the lives of those around us.

2. “I am a teacher. It’s how I define myself. A good teacher isn’t someone who gives the answers out to their kids but is understanding of needs and challenges and gives tools to help other people succeed. That’s the way I see myself, so whatever it is that I will do eventually after politics, it’ll have to do a lot with teaching.” – Justin Trudeau is explaining that he sees himself as a teacher who doesn’t just provide answers but understands the needs and challenges of others and helps them succeed by giving them the tools to learn.

Inspiration: This quote inspires us to be like good teachers in our lives, understanding the difficulties of others and helping them with the tools they need to succeed. It emphasizes the importance of empathy and teaching in making a difference.

3. “When I get out across the country and listen to people, the resentment that I see and the frustration that I see is that we have a generation of people who are fairly convinced that their kids are not going to have a better quality of life or a better future than they will.” – Justin Trudeau is saying that when he listens to people across the country, he hears that many are worried that their children won’t have a better life or future than they do.

Inspiration: This quote reminds us to think about the future and the opportunities we leave for the next generation. It encourages us to work towards creating a better future for our children and future generations.

4. “You can’t run a government from one single person. What instead matters is that leadership is about gathering around extraordinary individuals and getting the best out of them.” – Justin Trudeau is telling us that running a government is not something one person can do alone. True leadership involves bringing together talented people and helping them perform at their best.

Inspiration: This quote inspires us to value teamwork and collaboration in leadership. It encourages us to recognize the strengths of those around us and support them to achieve their best, working together for common goals.

5. “We need to make sure we’re all working together to change mindsets, to change attitudes, and to fight against the bad habits that we have as a society.” – Justin Trudeau is highlighting the importance of working together to shift people’s thinking, attitudes, and combat harmful societal habits.

Inspiration: This quote encourages us to unite and work collectively to bring about positive changes in our society. It reminds us that change begins with a shift in mindset and attitudes and that we all have a role to play in this transformation.

Justin Trudeau Quotes to become a true leader

6. “Leadership is inspiring extraordinary people to step up and serve their country.” – Justin Trudeau is saying that true leadership involves motivating exceptional individuals to come forward and contribute to their country.

Inspiration: This quote inspires us to be leaders who inspire and support others to make a difference in their country. It emphasizes the importance of encouraging talent and service for the greater good.

7. “Openness, respect, integrity – these are principles that need to underpin pretty much every other decision that you make.” – Justin Trudeau is stating that principles like openness, respect, and integrity should be the foundation for all the decisions we make.

Inspiration: This quote encourages us to prioritize these values in our decision-making processes. It highlights the significance of ethical and respectful decision-making in our lives.

8. “Living your life in the public eye is a greater burden than most people can imagine.” – Justin Trudeau is explaining that being a public figure comes with more challenges and pressures than most people realize.

Inspiration: This quote reminds us to appreciate the difficulties that public figures face and to approach them with empathy and understanding. It also encourages us to be mindful of the privacy and well-being of those in the public eye.

9. “I had to learn to dismiss people who would criticize me based on nothing, but I also had to learn not to believe the people who would compliment me and think I was great based on nothing. And that led me to have a very, very strong sense of myself and my strengths.” – Justin Trudeau is sharing his experience of learning to handle both baseless criticism and undeserved praise, which helped him develop a strong self-awareness.

Inspiration: This quote inspires us to build a strong sense of self and self-confidence by being discerning about criticism and praise. It encourages us to value genuine feedback and self-awareness.

10. “My idea of freedom is that we should protect the rights of people to believe what their conscience dictates, but fight equally hard to protect people from having the beliefs of others imposed upon them.” – Justin Trudeau is expressing his view of freedom as the protection of individual beliefs while preventing the imposition of others’ beliefs on people.

Inspiration: This quote encourages us to respect the diversity of beliefs and opinions while advocating for the protection of individual rights. It emphasizes the importance of a society where people can follow their conscience without undue influence from others.

11. “Confident countries are willing to invest in the future.” – Justin Trudeau is saying that countries that believe in themselves are ready to spend money and effort on making a better future.

Inspiration: This quote inspires us to have confidence in our abilities and to invest in things that will make the future brighter. It encourages us to be proactive in building a better tomorrow.

12. “My whole life has been about figuring out the balance between knowing who I am and being who I am and accepting that people will come to me with all sorts of preconceptions.” – Justin Trudeau is talking about the challenge of balancing his true self with people’s preconceived notions about him and how he’s had to navigate this throughout his life.

Inspiration: This quote encourages us to be true to ourselves while understanding that others may have preconceived ideas about us. It reminds us to stay authentic and navigate such perceptions with grace.

13. “It’s important that people understand who I am and where I come from and not just have it shaped by purely political discourse.” – Justin Trudeau is emphasizing the importance of people knowing his true background and identity, rather than having it solely defined by political discussions.

Inspiration: This quote inspires us to seek a deeper understanding of individuals beyond their political roles. It encourages us to recognize the humanity and personal stories of public figures.

Justin Trudeau Quotes to become a true leader

14. “Nobody knows better than I do what the pressures of party leadership can do to a young family. It tore mine apart.” – Justin Trudeau is sharing his personal experience of how the responsibilities of leading a political party can put a strain on family life, even leading to its breakup.

Inspiration: This quote reminds us of the sacrifices that leaders and their families often make. It encourages us to appreciate the challenges and pressures they face, highlighting the importance of work-life balance.

15. “I am so proud of my family, and I am happy to give them all the limelight they want because heaven knows I got more than I need.” – Justin Trudeau expresses his pride in his family and willingness to let them have the spotlight, as he feels he has received more attention than necessary.

Inspiration: This quote inspires us to appreciate and support our families. It reminds us that love and pride for our loved ones are more important than personal attention.

16. “We have created a society where individual rights and freedoms, compassion, and diversity are core to our citizenship. But underlying that idea of Canada is the promise that we all have a chance to build a better life for ourselves and our children.”

Justin Trudeau is describing Canada as a nation that values individual rights, compassion, diversity, and the opportunity for everyone to create a better life for themselves and their children.

Inspiration: This quote inspires us to value and uphold principles of individual rights, diversity, and compassion in our society. It reminds us of the promise of opportunity for all to improve their lives.

17. “A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian. And you devalue the citizenship of every Canadian in this place and in this country when you break down and make it conditional for anyone.” – Justin Trudeau is emphasizing that every Canadian is equal, and the value of Canadian citizenship should not be diminished by making it conditional for certain individuals.

Inspiration: This quote inspires us to respect and uphold the equality of all citizens, regardless of their background or circumstances. It encourages inclusivity and fairness in society.

18. “The fact is Canadians understand that immigration, that people fleeing for their lives, that people wanting to build a better life for themselves and their kids is what created Canada, it’s what created North America.” – Justin Trudeau is stating that Canadians recognize that immigration and people seeking a better life have been instrumental in building Canada and North America.

Inspiration: This quote reminds us of the positive impact of immigration on our countries. It encourages us to embrace diversity and welcome those who seek a better life.

19. “Canada has always been there to help people who need it.” – Justin Trudeau is highlighting Canada’s history of offering assistance to those in need.

Inspiration: This quote inspires us to be compassionate and helpful to those who require support. It reminds us of the importance of being there for others in times of need.

20. “I think people are looking at Canada and realizing we’re a place that is building for the long term and where the world’s going to be.” – Justin Trudeau is suggesting that people are recognizing Canada as a country that is planning and working towards a better future and aligning with global progress.

Inspiration: This quote inspires us to think long-term and work toward a future that is aligned with global trends and progress. It encourages us to be forward-thinking and proactive.

Nobody knows better than I do what the pressures of party leadership can do to a young family. It tore mine apart

21. “I know and I’ve always felt for Canada that we recognize that diversity is a great source of strength.” – Justin Trudeau is saying that Canada understands that having people from different backgrounds and cultures makes the country stronger.

Inspiration: This quote inspires us to appreciate and celebrate diversity. It encourages us to see the value in people from various backgrounds coming together to build a better society.

22. “As a prime minister, my job is not to try and influence or opine what a leader of a different country should be doing.” – Justin Trudeau is explaining that his role as the prime minister is not to tell leaders of other countries what to do or express his personal opinions about their decisions.

Inspiration: This quote inspires us to respect the sovereignty and decisions of other nations. It encourages us to focus on our own responsibilities and relationships with other countries.

23. “Income splitting is not a wise investment for Canadians.” – Justin Trudeau is stating that a policy like income splitting is not a good choice for the financial well-being of Canadians.

Inspiration: This quote encourages us to consider the financial impact of policies and decisions on the well-being of the people. It reminds us to make wise choices for the benefit of all.

24. “Canada was built around a very simple premise. A promise that you can work hard and succeed and build a future for yourselves and your kids, and that future for your kids would be better than the one you had.” – Justin Trudeau is describing the fundamental idea that Canada was built on – the promise that hard work can lead to success and a better future for both oneself and one’s children.

Inspiration: This quote inspires us to value the idea of hard work and the possibility of creating a brighter future for ourselves and the next generation. It emphasizes the importance of hope and progress.

25. “I think Canadians are tired of politicians that are spun and scripted within an inch of their life, people who are too afraid of what a focus group might say about one comment or a political opponent might try to twist out of context, to actually say much of anything at all.” – Justin Trudeau is expressing that Canadians are weary of politicians who are overly controlled and cautious in their words and actions, to the point where they can’t speak their minds.

Inspiration: This quote encourages us to appreciate authenticity and open communication from our leaders. It reminds us of the importance of transparency in politics.

26. “I think Canada has a great story, and I’m glad to tell it. And if there’s a moment where the world is paying a little more attention to Canada, well, I think it’s important to try and capitalize on that.” – Justin Trudeau believes that Canada has a compelling story to share with the world, and when the world is interested in Canada, it’s important to take advantage of the opportunity to share that story.

Inspiration: This quote inspires us to be proud of our country and its accomplishments. It encourages us to share our positive stories and achievements with the world when the opportunity arises.

27. “Canadians are nice and polite. It’s not just a stereotype.” – Justin Trudeau is highlighting that the perception of Canadians as nice and polite is not just a stereotype but a genuine aspect of their character.

Inspiration: This quote reminds us to appreciate and uphold the values of kindness and politeness. It encourages us to embody these qualities in our interactions with others.

28. “I believe it is wrong for Canada to follow the path of countries that exploit large numbers of guest workers, who have no realistic prospect of citizenship. It is bad for our economy in that it depresses wages for all Canadians, but it’s even worse for our country.” – Justin Trudeau is expressing his belief that it’s not right for Canada to imitate countries that use many temporary workers without providing them a realistic chance of becoming citizens. He believes this harms both the economy and the nation.

Inspiration: This quote encourages us to think about the ethical treatment of workers and the long-term well-being of our country. It emphasizes the importance of fair and just policies.

29. “Confident countries are willing to invest in the future.” – Justin Trudeau is saying that countries that believe in themselves are ready to spend money and effort on making a better future.

Inspiration: This quote inspires us to have confidence in our abilities and to invest in things that will make the future brighter. It encourages us to be proactive in building a better tomorrow.

30. “I’m not going to reduce the choices of Canadians at the ballot box by backroom deals or secret arrangements. I think that’s a cause for cynicism more than anything else.” – Justin Trudeau is emphasizing that he won’t limit the choices available to Canadian voters through secretive agreements or arrangements, as such actions can lead to cynicism and distrust.

Inspiration: This quote inspires us to value transparency and trust in the political process. It encourages open and fair elections that give citizens a full range of choices.

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