14 Mahatma Gandhi Quotes on Art To Motivate You

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Art is a creative activity or skill that helps the creator for creating new inventions. Art is a powerful skill such as painting, music, literature, and dance, acting. Gandhiji said true art will help your soul to realize your inner shelf. It can also give you happiness. Let’s read the 14 Inspiring Quotes on Art said by Mahatma Gandhi to motivate you to do your work.

Mahatma Gandhi Quotes On Art

1. Art to be art must soothe.

Gandhi believed that true art should have a calming and comforting effect on the viewer or audience. Art should bring peace and solace to the soul.

2. All true art must help the soul to realize its inner self.

According to Gandhi, genuine art should aid individuals in connecting with their inner selves and achieving self-realization. It should inspire introspection and self-discovery.

3. Purity of life is the highest and truest art.

Gandhi valued a virtuous and pure way of living above all else. He considered a life of moral integrity to be the highest form of art.

4. True art must be evidence of the happiness, contentment, and purity of its authors.

Gandhi believed that the art’s creators should reflect the qualities of happiness, contentment, and purity. This should be evident in the art they produce.

5. True art takes note not merely of form but also of what lies behind it.

According to Gandhi, authentic art goes beyond surface appearances and delves into the deeper meaning and purpose behind the art.

6. The art that is in the machine-made article appeals only to the eye, the art in khadi appeals first to the heart and then to the eye.

Gandhi contrasted the soulless aesthetics of machine-made items with the heartfelt artistry of handwoven khadi fabric. He believed that true art should touch the heart before pleasing the eye.

7. The art of producing good music from a cultivated voice can be achieved by many, but the art of producing that music from the harmony of a pure life is achieved very rarely.

Gandhi stressed that while many can create beautiful music with training, it’s rare for music to originate from the harmony and purity of one’s life. True art in music requires a virtuous and harmonious existence.

8. A life of sacrifice is the pinnacle of art and is full of true joy.

Gandhi viewed a life dedicated to selfless service and sacrifice as the highest form of art, bringing profound and genuine joy.

9. Whatever can be useful to those starving millions is beautiful to my mind.

For Gandhi, beauty was found in utility. Anything that could benefit and help those in need was considered beautiful in his eyes.

10. I consider writing a fine art. We kill it by imposing the alphabet on little children and making it the beginning of learning.

Gandhi regarded writing as a fine art but believed it was often stifled by forcing young children to learn it as the first step in their education. He advocated for a more holistic approach to education.

11. A semi-starved nation can have neither religion nor art nor organization.

Gandhi emphasized that the basic needs of a population must be met before they can develop religion, art, or any form of organization. Survival and well-being come first.

12. Why should I need an artist to explain a work of art to me? Why should it not speak out to me itself?

Gandhi questioned the need for an intermediary to interpret art. He believed that art should communicate its message directly to the observer without requiring an artist’s explanation.

13. Painters and poets are obliged to exaggerate their figures’ proportions to give true perspective.

Gandhi recognized that artists, both painters and poets, may need to exaggerate certain aspects to convey a deeper truth or perspective within their work.

14. To a true artist only that face is beautiful which, quite apart from its exterior, shines with the truth within the soul.

Gandhi maintained that a genuine artist appreciates beauty not just in external appearances but in the inner truth and honesty of a person’s soul.

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