19 Mahatma Gandhi Quotes on Action To Inspire You

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Gandhiji led nationwide campaigns to reduce poverty, expand women’s rights, build religious and ethnic unity, abolish untouchability and, above all, achieve Swaraj or self-rule. He has done great things in his life, which is not easy for a common man to do. According to him, do the work before advising others. We have collected some quotes said by Gandhiji to understand action. Let’s see 19 Mahatma Gandhi Inspiring quotes on action that will inspire us.

Mahatma Gandhi Quotes On Action

1. “Action for one’s own self binds, action for the sake of others delivers from bondage.”

Gandhi suggests that selfless actions, those done for the well-being of others, free us from the burdens of self-centeredness and ego, while actions solely for personal gain create a sense of entrapment.

2. “My Gita tells me that evil can never result from good action.”

According to Gandhi, good actions are incapable of yielding evil outcomes. He emphasizes the idea that virtuous deeds lead to positive results.

Action Quotes by Gandhiji 2

“My Gita tells me that evil can never result from good action.”

– Mahatma Gandhi

3. “What is faith worth if it is not translated into action?”

Gandhi emphasizes that faith is meaningful when it is put into action. Believing in something is important, but it’s only truly valuable when it motivates us to take practical steps to bring about positive change.

4. “Pure motives can never justify impure or violent action.”

Gandhi underscores that having good intentions alone cannot justify unethical or violent actions. It’s the purity of both motive and action that matters for a morally sound approach.

5. “Without devotion, action, and knowledge are cold and dry, and may even become shackles.”

Gandhi points out that combining devotion with action and knowledge is essential. Without devotion, even noble actions and knowledge can feel lifeless and may even become burdens rather than sources of liberation.

6. “Nonviolent action without the cooperation of the heart and the head cannot produce the intended result.”

Gandhi highlights the importance of aligning both emotions and intellect with nonviolent action. For it to be effective, nonviolence must be guided by both compassion and rationality.

7. “Passive resistance seeks to rejoin politics and religion and to test every one of our actions in the light of ethical principles.”

Gandhi’s passive resistance or satyagraha is a means of bridging politics and religion while upholding ethical principles. It encourages individuals to scrutinize their actions through the lens of morality.

8. “Knowledge and devotion, to be true, have to stand the test of renunciation of the fruits of action.”

True knowledge and devotion, according to Gandhi, are proven by one’s willingness to renounce the desire for personal gain from their actions. This selflessness is a key indicator of genuine spirituality.

9. “If you will express the requisite purity of character in action, you cannot do it better than through the spinning wheel.”

Gandhi believed that practicing humility, purity, and character can be effectively expressed through actions like spinning, emphasizing the idea that simple, everyday actions can embody important principles.

Action Quotes said by Mahatma Gandhi

“If you will express the requisite purity of character in action, you cannot do it better than through the spinning wheel.”

– Mahatma Gandhi

10. “He who gives up action falls. He who gives up the reward rises. But renunciation of fruit in no way means indifference to the result.”

Gandhi teaches that renouncing attachment to the fruits of one’s actions doesn’t imply indifference to results. It means acting selflessly, not seeking personal gain, and focusing on the action itself, leading to spiritual growth and enlightenment.

More action quotes:

11. “Prayer presupposes faith. No prayer is in vain. Prayer is like any other action.”

12. “All your scholarship, all your study of Shakespeare and Wordsworth would be vain if at the same time you do not build your character and attain mastery over your thoughts and your actions.”

13. “True prayer is not a prelude to inaction.”

14. “Prayer is not an old woman’s idle amusement. Properly understood and applied, it is the most potent instrument of action.”

15. “Trustworthy action will dispel all mistrust or distrust as the sun dispels the morning mist.”

16. “Thought is never complete unless it finds expression in action and action limits your thought.”

17. “God has given us only a limited sphere of action and a limited vision.”

18. “Under democracy, individual liberty of opinion and action is jealously guarded.”

19. “If you will express the requisite purity of character in action, you cannot do it better than through the spinning wheel.”

Conclusion: I hope you liked the above 19 Mahatma Gandhi Quotes on Action. Don’t forget to mention the best line that you liked most from the above lines in the comment box below.

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