You Get What You Give Quotes: The Law of Giving and Receiving

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“You get what you give” quotes are powerful reminders that the energy and actions we put into the world often come back to us in some way. These quotes highlight the idea that our behavior, whether positive or negative, has consequences and shapes our experiences and outcomes. They emphasize the importance of kindness, generosity, and mindfulness in our interactions with others and in our approach to life. Essentially, these quotes encourage us to be mindful of our actions, to give freely without expecting anything in return, and to embrace the reciprocal nature of giving and receiving. Through simple yet profound words, they inspire us to live with intention, compassion, and gratitude, knowing that what we give out into the world ultimately shapes the reality we experience.

Meaning – You get what you give

The phrase “You get what you give” essentially means that the results or outcomes you experience are directly influenced by the effort, energy, or actions you put into something. In other words, the level of success, happiness, or fulfillment you achieve is proportional to the amount of positivity, effort, or kindness you invest in your endeavors or in your interactions with others. This phrase emphasizes the concept of reciprocity and highlights the idea that what you sow, or give, is what you will eventually reap, or get, in return.

You Get What You Give Quotes

1. “You get what you give. What you put into things is what you get out of them.” ― Jennifer Lopez

This means that the effort and energy you invest in something will determine what you get back from it. If you give your best and work hard, you’re more likely to achieve success or get positive results. It’s like planting seeds in a garden – if you nurture and take care of them, you’ll harvest a good crop.

Key teachings:

  • The effort and energy you put into something directly influence the results you achieve. – Dedicate focused time and energy to your tasks or goals, giving them your full attention and effort.
  • Working hard increases your chances of success or getting positive outcomes. – Break your goals into smaller, manageable tasks and commit to completing them diligently each day.
  • Just like tending to a garden leads to a good harvest, nurturing your endeavors yields favorable results. – Regularly review and assess your progress, making adjustments and improvements as needed to ensure steady growth and development.
  • The input you provide correlates with the output you receive. – Be intentional about what you put into your endeavors, whether it’s time, resources, or creativity, to maximize the quality of your outcomes.

2. “You get what you give, but also what you’re willing to take. The night before, I’d offered up my hand. Now, if I held on, there was no telling what it was possible to receive in return.” ― Sarah Dessen

This quote suggests that not only do you receive based on what you give, but also on what you’re open to receiving. It’s not just about the effort you put in, but also about being open to opportunities that come your way. Sometimes, you have to be willing to accept help or opportunities that others offer you. So, it’s not just about giving, but also about being open to receiving what others have to offer, which can lead to unexpected rewards or blessings.

Key teachings:

  • You receive what you give, but there’s also a reciprocal element to it. – Practice kindness towards others and be open to receiving kindness in return.
  • It’s not just about giving; it’s also about being open to accepting help, opportunities, or blessings that come your way. – Keep an open mind and heart to accepting help, opportunities, and blessings that come your way.
  • By offering your hand or taking action, you create opportunities for yourself. – Take small steps towards your goals every day, such as reaching out to someone for help or trying something new.
  • Being open to receiving can lead to unexpected or surprising rewards. – Stay open to surprises and be willing to explore new experiences or opportunities that come your way.

3. “I’m a true believer in karma. You get what you give, whether it’s bad or good.” ― Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock’s quote emphasizes the concept of karma, which suggests that our actions have consequences. Whether we do good or bad deeds, the universe eventually returns the same energy back to us. In simpler terms, if we are kind and helpful to others, we are likely to receive kindness and help in return. Conversely, if we act in negative or hurtful ways, we may face repercussions for our actions. Essentially, the quote underscores the idea that what we give out into the world, whether positive or negative, eventually finds its way back to us.

Key teachings:

  • Our actions have consequences, whether good or bad. – Before acting, consider the potential outcomes and consequences of your actions, and choose the path that aligns with your values and goals.
  • What we give out into the world eventually comes back to us. – Be mindful of the energy and intentions you put out into the world, aiming to spread positivity and kindness wherever you go.
  • Acting with kindness and helpfulness leads to positive outcomes, while negative actions may result in undesirable consequences. – Make a conscious effort to perform acts of kindness and helpfulness towards others in your daily interactions, knowing that these actions can create a ripple effect of positivity.

4. “You get what you give, and not only that, the giving is already the getting. So don’t hold back. Don’t look back or forward too much. Just be there where you are now. You’re always only in the day you’re in.” — Kim Stanley Robinson

Kim Stanley Robinson’s quote speaks to the idea that giving is not just an action but also a form of receiving. When we give something—whether it’s our time, assistance, or kindness—we also gain something in return, even if it’s just the satisfaction of helping others. Moreover, the quote encourages living in the present moment, without dwelling too much on the past or worrying excessively about the future. By focusing on the here and now, we can fully appreciate the act of giving and the inherent rewards it brings, making the most of each day as it comes.

Key teachings:

  • When we give, we also gain something in return, even if it’s just the satisfaction of helping others. – Practice kindness and helping others without expecting anything in return. Notice the good feeling you get from being helpful.
  • Focus on the present moment rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. – Focus on what you’re doing right now. When your mind wanders, gently bring it back to the present moment, like feeling your breath or noticing your surroundings.
  • Make the most of each day by giving your best and being present in whatever you do. – Start your day with a positive attitude. Do your best in whatever you’re doing, whether it’s work, study, or spending time with loved ones. Be fully engaged in each moment.

5. “You get what you give, in the long run, and manners cost nothing.” — Joe Abercrombie

Joe Abercrombie’s quote highlights the long-term consequences of our actions and the importance of good manners. It suggests that what we receive in life is often a reflection of what we give, especially over time. In other words, the positive or negative deeds we engage in ultimately shape our experiences and outcomes. Furthermore, the quote emphasizes the value of manners, stating that being polite and respectful costs nothing but can yield significant benefits in the long run. By treating others with kindness and courtesy, we not only foster positive relationships but also pave the way for opportunities and blessings to come our way.

Key teachings:

  • Our actions shape our experiences and outcomes over time. – Regularly assess your actions and their alignment with your goals. Make adjustments to stay on track.
  • Being polite and respectful can lead to positive relationships and opportunities. – Practice politeness and respect in all interactions. Use phrases like “please” and “thank you,” and listen actively to others.
  • Kindness and good manners don’t cost anything but can yield significant benefits in the long run. – Be kind and courteous to everyone, regardless of the situation. Small acts of kindness can have a significant impact over time.


“You get what you give” encapsulates the principle of reciprocity, reminding us that our actions and intentions shape our experiences and outcomes. Whether it’s kindness, effort, or positivity, what we give out into the world ultimately comes back to us in some form. By embodying this principle, we can cultivate a mindset of generosity, compassion, and mindfulness in our daily lives.

Source of quotes: Life Quotes – Goodreads

Image by rorozoa on Freepik