Life is What it is Quotes – Embrace Life’s Realities

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Life is full of ups and downs, twists and turns, and unexpected surprises. Sometimes, things don’t go the way we want them to, and we’re left feeling disappointed or frustrated. However, there’s a saying that captures this reality: “Life is what it is.” This phrase reminds us that life has its own course, and we must accept it for what it is. In this collection of quotes, you’ll find wisdom and insight about embracing life’s unpredictability, finding beauty in its imperfections, and making the most of every moment, no matter what comes our way.

Meaning – Life Is What It Is

The term “Life is what it is” is a philosophical perspective that acknowledges the inherent reality and unpredictability of life. It suggests that life unfolds according to its own course, regardless of our desires or expectations. This phrase conveys acceptance of life’s circumstances, both positive and negative, and encourages individuals to embrace the present moment rather than dwelling on what could have been or what might be. It emphasizes the importance of accepting life as it comes and making the most of the opportunities and challenges it presents.

11 ‘Life Is What It Is’ Quotes

1. “Life is what it is. We can either spend the time we have being happy, or we can spend it being miserable.” ― A.K. Evans

Source: Goodreads

This quote highlights the fundamental truth that life unfolds regardless of our desires or expectations. We cannot control every aspect of our lives, but we can control how we respond to them. It emphasizes the power of choice in shaping our experiences. By choosing happiness over misery, we take ownership of our emotional well-being and actively cultivate a positive outlook on life.

Key teachings:

  • Life is what it is, regardless of our desires or expectations.
  • We have the power to choose how we spend our time—either being happy or miserable.
  • Choosing happiness over misery is a proactive way to shape our experiences and outlook on life.
Life is what it is. We can either spend the time we have being happy, or we can spend it being miserable.

2. “Life Is What It Is Or Was. Nothing Is Known. No Questions Can Be Answered.” ― Darius Z. Sutherland

Source: Goodreads

This quote speaks to the inherent mystery and unpredictability of life. Despite our efforts to understand and unravel its mysteries, there are aspects of life that will always remain unknown. It encourages us to embrace the uncertainty and complexity of existence rather than seeking definitive answers. Instead of fixating on questions that may never be answered, we can find peace in accepting life as it unfolds and focus on living in the present moment.

Key teachings:

  • Life is inherently mysterious and unpredictable.
  • There are aspects of life that will always remain unknown.
  • Embracing the uncertainty of life and living in the present moment can bring peace and acceptance.

3. “No! Life isn’t short. It’s you who decided to have plans longer than what life would allow you. Life is what it is. You can’t take or add. What you can only do is to live it.” ― Nesta Jojoe Erskine

Source: QuoteFancy

This quote challenges the notion of life being fleeting and instead suggests that our perception of its brevity is influenced by our own ambitions and expectations. It urges us to reassess our priorities and make the most of the time we have. Life is finite, and rather than getting caught up in elaborate long-term plans, we should focus on living authentically and purposefully in the present moment. We cannot control the length of our lives, but we can control how we choose to live them.

Key teachings:

  • Life’s length is not inherently short; it’s our plans that may exceed its limits.
  • We should focus on living in the present rather than getting caught up in long-term plans.
  • We cannot add or subtract from our lives; we can only live them to the fullest.

4. “Life is what it is, Will. You take it as it comes.” ― David Baldacci

Source: QuoteFancy

This quote suggests that life should be accepted as it comes, without trying to control or change its course. It implies a sense of resignation to life’s ups and downs, advocating for an attitude of acceptance and adaptability. By embracing life as it unfolds, we can find peace and contentment in the present moment.

Key teachings:

  • Life should be accepted as it comes, without trying to control or change its course.
  • Embrace life’s ups and downs with an attitude of acceptance and adaptability.
  • Find peace and contentment by embracing the present moment.

5. “Life is what it is…And even without having everything you desire…It is still gloriously beautiful…” ― Virginia Alison

Source: QuoteFancy

The quote reflects a perspective of finding beauty and meaning in life, even when faced with unfulfilled desires or challenges. It emphasizes the idea that life, with all its imperfections, is still something to be cherished and celebrated. This outlook encourages gratitude and a focus on the positives in life, regardless of its shortcomings.

Key teachings:

  • Life, with all its imperfections, is still something to be cherished and celebrated.
  • Find beauty and meaning in life, even in the face of unfulfilled desires or challenges.
  • Cultivate gratitude and focus on the positives in life.

6. “If you ever expect life to be fair, you are in for a shocking disappointment. Life is what it is. Fair is something we made up.” ― Michael Treanor

Source: Goodreads

This quote challenges the notion of fairness in life, suggesting that our expectations of fairness are often unrealistic. It highlights the disparity between our idealized notions of fairness and the actual realities of life. By acknowledging and accepting life’s inherent unfairness, we can cultivate a more realistic and pragmatic approach to dealing with its challenges.

Key teachings:

  • Our expectations of fairness in life are often unrealistic.
  • Acknowledge and accept life’s inherent unfairness.
  • Cultivate a realistic and pragmatic approach to dealing with life’s challenges.

7. “Life is what it is, and either you accept it or you don’t. Either you let the current sweep you out to sea or you swim against the current as it sweeps you out to sea.” ― Aaron Thier

Source: Goodreads

This quote emphasizes the inevitability of life’s circumstances and the importance of acceptance. It presents two options: either accept life as it is or resist it, similar to swimming against a current. By accepting life’s realities, we can adapt and navigate its challenges more effectively. Resisting or denying them only leads to struggle and frustration.

Key teachings:

  • Life’s circumstances are inevitable, and acceptance is key.
  • We have the choice to either accept life as it is or resist it.
  • Resisting life’s realities only leads to struggle and frustration.

8. “My life is what it is, and I can’t change it. I can change the future, but I can’t do anything about the past.” ― Alex Trebek

Source: BrainyQuote

This quote reflects a sense of resignation to life’s circumstances, particularly regarding the past. It acknowledges that while we cannot change the past, we have the power to shape our future. By accepting the present reality and focusing on what we can control, we can move forward with purpose and intention, leaving behind regret and embracing the possibilities of the future.

Key teachings:

  • Acceptance of life’s circumstances, particularly regarding the past, is essential.
  • We cannot change the past, but we have the power to shape our future.
  • Focusing on what we can control and moving forward with purpose is paramount.
My life is what it is, and I can't change it. I can change the future, but I can't do anything about the past.

9. “Over all life is what it is and regretting is a pointless thing.” ― Rick Springfield

Source: BrainyQuote

This quote emphasizes the futility of dwelling on regret and lamenting over past actions or decisions. It suggests that life is what it is, and looking back with regret serves no purpose. Instead, it encourages a mindset of acceptance and forward-looking optimism. By letting go of regrets and focusing on the present moment, we can find peace and fulfillment in life.

Key teachings:

  • Dwelling on regret is futile and serves no purpose.
  • Life is what it is, and looking back with regret is pointless.
  • Embracing acceptance and forward-looking optimism leads to peace and fulfillment.

10. “I can’t take 24-hour news. Life is what it is, and we can handle it, but when you’re getting it pushed down your throat, it’s too much.” ― Colin Salmon

Source: BrainyQuote

This quote expresses a sentiment of being overwhelmed by the constant barrage of news and information. While life’s challenges can be managed and accepted, the inundation of 24-hour news coverage can become excessive and burdensome. It suggests that while we can handle life’s realities, excessive exposure to negative news can be detrimental to our well-being. Therefore, it’s important to strike a balance and limit exposure to news when it becomes overwhelming.

Key teachings:

  • Constant exposure to 24-hour news can be overwhelming and excessive.
  • While we can handle life’s challenges, excessive news consumption can become burdensome.
  • It’s important to strike a balance and limit exposure to news when it becomes overwhelming.

11. “You can’t shape it. You can’t change it. Your life is what it is.” ― Brian Fallon

Source: BrainyQuote

This quote conveys a sense of acceptance and resignation to the circumstances of one’s life. It acknowledges the inherent limitations in trying to control or shape life according to our desires. Instead, it suggests that our lives are what they are, and we must accept them as such. This acceptance can lead to a sense of peace and contentment, as we let go of the need to constantly strive for change or improvement.

Key teachings:

  • Life’s circumstances are beyond our control, and acceptance is key.
  • We cannot shape or change our lives according to our desires.
  • Accepting our lives as they are can lead to peace and contentment.
You can't shape it. You can't change it. Your life is what it is.


In conclusion, “Life is what it is” quotes offer valuable insights into accepting life’s realities, embracing its unpredictability, and finding peace amidst challenges. By recognizing the inherent beauty in life’s imperfections and learning to navigate its ups and downs with resilience and grace, we can cultivate a deeper appreciation for the present moment and live more fulfilling, meaningful lives.

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