58 Inspirational Dana Arcuri Quotes to inspire you

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Dana Arcuri is an empowered author, speaker, survivor, advocate, YouTuber, and Certified Trauma Recovery Coach (CTRC) who gives safe space for men and women. In her book, Reinventing You: Simple Steps to Transform Your Body, Mind, and Spirit, she inspires women to become empowered to take control of their lives. You can read her blog by visiting danaarcuri.com. Here are some inspirational quotes by Dana Arcuri about gratitude, and spiritual growth from her book to give you some motivation.

Inspirational Dana Arcuri Quotes

1. “God isn’t looking for powerful individuals who are strong, independent, courageous, and self-sufficient. Rather, God is seeking vulnerable individuals who have weaknesses, deficiencies, inadequacies and who are willing to stop relying on their own abilities.” ― Dana Arcuri

2. “The truth is that each of us falls short of loving unconditionally. We don’t love others the way God loves us. Yet Jesus extended perfect love by living and dying for all of our sins. In spite of our failures, weaknesses, and selfishness, He sacrificed His own life so we could have eternal life.” ― Dana Arcuri, Harvest of Hope

3. “Our faith is built in the dark, in the valleys, and during the back-breaking battles in life.” ― Dana Arcuri

4. “Amazingly, if God calls us to do something, He will help us accomplish it. We may doubt or we may simply believe. God chooses us for a particular reason. He is STRETCHING us from the inside out….to reach the lost, to provide hope, to be like Jesus on earth.” ― Dana Arcuri

5. “If our lives were smooth sailing without painful hardships, unexpected disappointments or frustrating challenges, we wouldn’t have our own personal testimony as credible evidence revealing God’s omnipotent power.” ― Dana Arcuri

6. “Do not fear weakness. Lean on God who will be your strength through every dark storm.” ― Dana Arcuri

7. “The beauty of adversity is that when we hit bottom, the only way to go is up.” ― Dana Arcuri

8. “Grief is messy. It’s traumatic. Devastating. Confusing. Exhausting. Grief is a natural process of our human experience. May you find comfort in these unexpected places along your journey.” ― Dana Arcuri

9. “Happiness is an emotion based on positive circumstances within our lives. The origin of the word “happiness” was derived from the same root “hap”, similar to the word “happening.” Depending on what’s happening in our lives, we’re either happy or sad. It’s based on pure luck and good fortune.” ― Dana Arcuri

Dana Arcuri Quotes for living a purposeful life

10. “Our job on earth isn’t to criticize, reject, or judge. Our purpose is to offer a helping hand, compassion, and mercy. We are to do unto others as we hope they would do unto us.” ― Dana Arcuri, Harvest of Hope

11. “Dare to believe that you make a significant difference in our world.” ― Dana Arcuri

12. “You see, God didn’t create us to merely survive. He created us to thrive! We were made for an abundant life.” ― Dana Arcuri

13. “I stopped trying to fit in. Stopped going with the flow. Stopped blending in with the world. I stopped trying to mold myself into what others thought a “good” Christian should look like or act like.” ― Dana Arcuri

14. “The phrase “choose your battles wisely” means to be selective of how we spend our time and who we spend our time with. To be selective. To not join every argument or confrontation. To learn to walk away from unproductive battles.” ― Dana Arcuri, Sacred Wandering

15. “No matter where you once were, no matter how dark your storm, God doesn’t want you to remain there. Overcoming may not be easy, but it’s possible when you ask your Father to battle for you.” ― Dana Arcuri

Gratitude Quotes by Dana Arcuri

16. “When life gets hectic and you feel overwhelmed, take a moment to focus on the people and things you are most grateful for. When you have an attitude of gratitude, frustrating troubles will fall by the wayside.” ― Dana Arcuri

17. “Cultivating an attitude of gratitude begins with counting your blessings. In simpler terms, gratitude is expressing thanks for gifts we receive. Genuine gratitude helps us to see the little things in life that are often overlooked, yet so precious.” ― Dana Arcuri, Harvest of Hope

18. “The more you are grateful for what you have the more you can live fully in the present. When you live in the present moment the greater you can build stepping stones for a brighter future.” ― Dana Arcuri

19. “The more you are grateful for what you have, the more you can live fully in the present.” ― Dana Arcuri, Harvest of Hope

Growth Quotes by Dana Arcuri

20. “I found peace of mind when I walked away from small fights not worth fighting. I stopped fighting for people who gossiped about me. I stopped fighting for those who didn’t respect me. I quit worrying about those who wouldn’t value me for being me.” ― Dana Arcuri

21. “Forgiveness is empowering for the forgiver. Years of resentment, frustration, and pain are set FREE!” ― Dana Arcuri

22. “Being stuck serves a spiritual purpose. It’s a bountiful harvest for transformation to occur. It tells us that a change is needed. More than any type of outward change, what’s really being asked of us is an inner change. It could be a change of heart, change of priorities, a change of beliefs, or even a change of perspective.” ― Dana Arcuri

23. “Our physical, emotional, and spiritual health requires rest. We need to take a break. We need to nurture ourselves. To take a time out to refuel, rejuvenate, and revive ourselves.” ― Dana Arcuri

24. “Sometimes we have to reach rock bottom before we’re willing to rise up and overcome our trials.” ― Dana Arcuri

25. “The truth is real change begins with your willingness and courage to take the first step forward. Usually, the first step is the most difficult one to take. All resistances and old habits must be eliminated. Deep within you, there must be the determination to overcome your obstacles. To believe God has something better for you and lean on Him as you persevere.” ― Dana Arcuri

26. “Growing your faith in the dark isn’t meant for the faint-hearted. Strengthening your faith will require extra endurance. You will need to take action. If you want more of God, you will need boldness. When your faith is tested, you have to muster up grit and grace.” ― Dana Arcuri

27. “Empowered, I began fighting for my passions. Fighting for my healing. Fighting for my inner peace. Fighting for authentic joy to wash over me. Fighting for my visions and goals.” ― Dana Arcuri, Sacred Wandering

Spiritual Quotes by Dana Arcuri

28. “The spiritual awakening process is like a rebirth. Gradually, the false pretenses that had once blinded us are replaced with a great awakening to our Savior. To His true nature. To His wonderful character. To His faithfulness.” ― Dana Arcuri

29. “When we no longer have the strength to keep on walking, God will carry us. His strength is enough for you and me.” ― Dana Arcuri, Harvest of Hope

30. “God is calling you to relinquish your old habits and beliefs that are holding you back from being all He called you to be. To trust that He has something bigger and better in store for you.” ― Dana Arcuri

31. “Silence can be the birthing in which God’s doing a new thing. We may not visually see it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not happening.” ― Dana Arcuri, Sacred Wandering

32. “God pursues us. He pursues us in our brokenness. He pursues us in our mishaps. Despite our rebellion or resistance, He pursues us to the very end.” ― Dana Arcuri

Dana Arcuri Quotes from books

Soul Cry Quotes by Dana Arcuri

33. “The reason why you need emotional support is that it’s important for survivors to be heard. To be understood. To be able to express yourself without fearing criticism or harsh judgment. To be validated for your pain, suffering, and loss. For others to be there for you to encourage you, especially if you’re having a bad day or feeling triggered.” ― Dana Arcuri

34. “My friend, you are not alone. No matter what you’ve suffered, the abuse was not your fault. You didn’t cause someone to hurt you. Not as an innocent child, teenager, nor as an adult. Let that sink in. It’s not your fault.” ― Dana Arcuri

35. “Healing trauma involves tears. The tears release our pain. The tears are part of our recovery. My friend, please let your tears flow.” ― Dana Arcuri

36. “What I’ve discovered is that by keeping peace with those who hurt me, I had no peace. Rather, I was in turmoil. I suffered the aftermath of sexual violence. I am the one who has battled for my life.” ― Dana Arcuri

37. “I hear your soul cry. I know your shame. I understand your fears, tears, and trauma. Your story matters. Even if you tell it to one safe person, I encourage you to not keep it locked inside your heart. There is something empowering about having the courage to tell our story. To acknowledge, yes, it did happen. Yes, it really was that bad.” ― Dana Arcuri, Soul Cry

Sacred Wandering Quotes by Dana Arcuri

38. “The wilderness journey is about transformation. For you, it could be a personal, spiritual, or professional drought. A desert season of confusion, frustration, and unproductivity. It’s an in-between stage. Something significant has ended or begun. Yet it provides the opportunity for expansion, wisdom, and joy.” ― Dana Arcuri

39. “We don’t get to choose our family, but we can choose our friends. With courage, we can weed out narcissistic people. We can focus on those who do appreciate us, love us, and treat us with respect.” ― Dana Arcuri

40. “Assault survivors respond differently. There’s no right or wrong way to react after being sexually abused. The assault can be so overwhelming that we may respond in three ways – fight, flee or freeze.” ― Dana Arcuri

41. “The sacred wandering is a healing journey. It gives us the courage to face old wounds. We bravely face our past hurts. If we don’t give ourselves permission to feel the pain, we cannot heal the pain. We must feel it to heal it.” ― Dana Arcuri, Sacred Wandering

42. “A sacred wandering is a wilderness journey. You can find yourself in the midst of life transitions. Major upheavals. A career change. Soul searching. Infertility. Relocation. Illness. Depression. Divorce. Loss of a loved one. Unemployment. Returning to school. The empty nest.” ― Dana Arcuri

43. “The purpose of sacred wandering is to explore the foundation of our faith. To prove if it’s authentic. Whether your faith is like sinking sand or a solid rock, Christ wants to take you on an adventure. His desire is to spiritually strengthen you.” ― Dana Arcuri

44. “A sacred wandering awakens you. It connects you to your authentic self. It can empower you to find your voice. To enlarge your vision. To nurture your soul. To create healthy boundaries. To bravely try something new.” ― Dana Arcuri

Reinventing You Quotes by Dana Arcuri

45. “While you desire lasting change with positive results, it will take commitment from you to transform your dreams into a reality. Be aware that there can be tough moments when you’re ready to throw in the towel. Frustrating times when you may want to quit. When it gets rough or you hit a roadblock, you must forge ahead and keep going. Despite blood, sweat, and tears, do not give up on yourself. You are worth the fight for a brighter future!” ― Dana Arcuri

46. “There is something magical and transformational about saying “yes” to God. When you take His hand, step out of that boat (your ordinary, comfortable life), and be brave. Instead of spending your life living in fear and playing it safe, you boldly walk in obedience. God makes you brave.” ― Dana Arcuri

47. “Similar to a butterfly, I’ve gone through a metamorphosis, been released from my dark cocoon, embraced my wings, and soared!” ― Dana Arcuri

48. “When we are stuck in a rut we are being invited to grow and expand.” ― Dana Arcuri

Harvest of Hope Quotes by Dana Arcuri

49. “Hope is the one positive force to help us persevere during our darkest storms. Jesus gives us hope when He walks beside us through the fiery furnace and helps us rise above adversity.” ― Dana Arcuri

50. “The average person walks into their doctor’s office ready to accept whatever is said and handed to them. Without taking time to research or gain more insight, they accept pills and treatment without looking into other options.” ― Dana Arcuri

51. “Our nation overeats. We put toxic fake food into our bodies but wonder why we’re sick. We continue a vicious cycle of consuming the wrong foods and drinks along with a stressful lifestyle, yet question why cancer is so rampant. Most of our society live in fear and believe they have no control.” ― Dana Arcuri

52. “My positive message is that we do have control. We need to take back ownership of our bodies and minds.” ― Dana Arcuri

53. “Don’t blindly fill prescriptions without first checking into potential side effects, adverse reactions, and long-term damage to your body and mind.” ― Dana Arcuri

54. “Be conscious of what you are consuming. Be informed. Take the initiative to gain more knowledge. Understand your options so you may be in a better position to make an informed choice.” ― Dana Arcuri

55. “We each have the power to give. It’s the most gratifying feeling ever. By reaching out to help another human being you’re sending ripples of positive change.” ― Dana Arcuri

56. “The Lord doesn’t always make our paths smooth sailing, but He does make it possible to rise above adversity.” ― Dana Arcuri

57. “If you’re facing a season of trials, don’t allow the enemy to have a field day by putting negative thoughts in your mind. Let go of stinking thinking. Instead of turning away from God in anger or confusion, run into His loving arms where He will comfort you.” ― Dana Arcuri

58. “Although we may encounter dark seasons when we’re filled with joy we’ll have confident expectations that the sun will soon return and dark clouds will pass.” ― Dana Arcuri

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