42 Inspiring Quotes to Take Calculated Risks

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Welcome to a world of wisdom and courage! In this post, we explore the power of quotes that inspire us to take calculated risks. Life is a journey filled with uncertainties, but it’s also brimming with opportunities for growth and success. These quotes will not only motivate you to step out of your comfort zone but also show you that taking well-thought-out risks can be a key to unlocking your full potential. Let’s dive into the world of inspiration!

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What is the meaning of ‘taking calculated risks’?

Taking calculated risks involves making decisions or actions that have an uncertain outcome but are thoughtfully analyzed and planned to maximize the chances of success while minimizing potential negative consequences. It’s about balancing potential rewards against possible drawbacks and making informed choices that align with one’s goals and values.

Importance of taking calculated risks

The importance of taking calculated risks in personal and professional growth is significant:

1. Learning and Adaptation: Calculated risks often lead to new experiences and challenges. Even if the outcome is not as desired, these experiences contribute to personal growth by expanding one’s knowledge and adaptability.

2. Innovation and Progress: In the professional realm, calculated risks are essential for innovation and progress. Businesses that avoid risks may stagnate, while those willing to explore new ideas and approaches can thrive.

3. Building Confidence: Successfully navigating calculated risks can boost self-confidence and resilience. Overcoming challenges and setbacks builds confidence in one’s abilities.

4. Achieving Goals: Many goals and aspirations require stepping out of one’s comfort zone and taking calculated risks. Without these risks, achieving significant milestones becomes less likely.

5. Opportunity Maximization: In both personal and professional contexts, calculated risks help individuals seize opportunities that might otherwise pass by. They can lead to rewards, growth, and unexpected positive outcomes.

6. Problem-Solving Skills: Facing risks and making decisions under uncertainty sharpens problem-solving skills and enhances decision-making abilities.

7. Professional Advancement: In careers, calculated risks can lead to career advancements, promotions, and increased recognition of one’s capabilities and contributions.

Quotes to Take Calculated Risks

Ready to embrace life’s uncertainties and unlock your potential? Start by taking that calculated risk today, guided by these inspiring quotes. Your journey to success and personal growth begins now!

A. The Importance of Calculated Risks:

1. “Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash.” – George S. Patton

General George S. Patton reminds us that there is a distinction between recklessness and taking calculated risks. Calculated risks involve careful assessment and planning, ensuring that your decisions are based on informed choices rather than impulsive actions. By doing so, you increase your chances of achieving success while minimizing potential negative outcomes.

2. “We must have the courage to bet on our ideas, to take the calculated risk, and to act. Everyday living requires courage if life is to be effective and bring happiness.” – Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz underscores the significance of courage in embracing calculated risks. Taking calculated risks often involves stepping outside your comfort zone to pursue your ideas and dreams. By doing so, you not only enhance your personal growth but also open doors to a more fulfilling and effective life.

3. “Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not one has better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on one’s ideas, to take a calculated risk – and to act.” – André Malraux

André Malraux highlights a critical distinction: it’s not always superior abilities or ideas that lead to success but rather the willingness to act on those ideas and take calculated risks. Success often depends on your willingness to step forward with conviction and overcome the fear of potential failure.

4. “Courage is taking calculated risks and facing intimidation in the eye. It is one of the most attractive things a person in power will have.” – Kailin Gow

Kailin Gow emphasizes that courage, particularly the courage to take calculated risks, is a highly admirable trait. Leaders and individuals who are unafraid of confronting challenges and making informed decisions in the face of uncertainty often garner respect and admiration from others.

5. “Take calculated risks! Test the water with one toe at a time. Don’t throw yourself in the pool all at once. That’s the best way to learn and adjust your plan!” – Bachir Bastien

Bachir Bastien uses a metaphor to illustrate the importance of gradual, measured risk-taking. Testing the waters one step at a time allows you to gain valuable experience and adjust your strategy as needed. It’s a reminder that calculated risk-taking need not be all-or-nothing; it can be a thoughtful progression.

6. “Entrepreneurs who don’t take calculated risks in the marketplace are undeserving of rewards from the marketplace.” – Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr. points out that entrepreneurship inherently involves risk. Those who shy away from taking calculated risks in the business world may miss out on the rewards that come with it. Success often goes hand in hand with the willingness to innovate and make informed, strategic decisions.

7. “To become a better you, dare to take calculated risks and overcome your limitations. Your scars can make you a star, but you have to decide.” – Israelmore Ayivor

Israelmore Ayivor encourages personal growth through calculated risk-taking. When you step outside your comfort zone and confront challenges, you not only discover your potential but also acquire valuable experiences that can shape your success. Your journey may be marked by setbacks (the “scars”), but these can ultimately lead to your personal and professional growth (“star”).

8. “Both trust and gratitude require the courage to take risks because distrust and resentment, in their need to keep their claim on me, keep warning me how dangerous it is to let go of my careful calculations and guarded predictions.” – Henri J.M. Nouwen

Henri J.M. Nouwen reflects on the emotional aspects of risk-taking, suggesting that trust and gratitude necessitate a willingness to take risks. Trusting others and being grateful for what life offers often involves stepping beyond the confines of caution and embracing uncertainty. It’s a reminder that emotional and personal growth can result from calculated risks.

9. “Successful, self-starting individuals seek responsibility. They take calculated risks; they don’t make excuses to cover up their inactivity.” – Nido R. Qubein

Nido R. Qubein emphasizes that successful individuals actively seek responsibility and are unafraid to take calculated risks. They do not rely on excuses to justify inaction. This quote underscores that calculated risks are often integral to achieving success and should be embraced as part of a proactive approach.

10. “It’s a calculated risk, you see. You’re either laughing all over your face or you’re in deep, deep shit. Whether to take the risk or not. If you take the gamble, you may fall off the twig frozen stiff one night and not thaw out till spring. Bottle it and you might not have anywhere to nest when you return. These are, as it were, the eternal dilemmas you’re confronted with.” – Jo Nesbø

Jo Nesbø’s quote humorously captures the essence of taking calculated risks. It paints a vivid picture of the choices and dilemmas individuals face when deciding whether to take a risk. The essence is that calculated risks can lead to both positive and negative outcomes, but they are an essential part of life’s journey.

11. “Take calculated risks – Be smart, do research, weigh benefits against risks, and listen to your intuitions. Heal the PTSD and live the life you deserve. Be a SurThriver.” – Tracy Malone

Tracy Malone underscores the importance of informed and intelligent risk-taking. It involves careful research, weighing the potential benefits against the risks involved, and trusting your instincts. By taking calculated risks, you can navigate life’s challenges and ultimately thrive.

12. “If you keep taking calculated risks, you will keep getting considerable rewards.” – Amit Kalantri

Amit Kalantri’s quote reinforces the notion that calculated risks can lead to substantial rewards. By consistently evaluating and taking informed risks, you increase your chances of achieving success and reaping the benefits that come with it.

13. “Success won’t find you. You have to pursue it. Stepping into the unknown to take carefully calculated risks can help you reach your dreams and fulfill your goals.” – Amy Morin

Amy Morin emphasizes that success requires proactive pursuit. Taking calculated risks and stepping into the unknown are often essential steps on the path to achieving your dreams and fulfilling your goals. Success is not passive; it requires action and calculated decision-making.

B. The Nature of Risk:

14. “Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.” – Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett, one of the world’s most successful investors, underscores the importance of knowledge and understanding when it comes to risk. He suggests that risk is rooted in ignorance or lack of knowledge. In other words, making uninformed decisions can expose you to unnecessary risks. Therefore, acquiring knowledge and expertise in what you’re pursuing is crucial to mitigate risks effectively.

15. “The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that’s changing quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” – Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg highlights the paradox of avoiding risk. In a rapidly changing world, playing it safe and avoiding all risks can be the riskiest strategy of all. Opportunities for growth and success often require a degree of risk-taking. Failing to take any risks can lead to missed opportunities and ultimately result in stagnation and failure.

16. “The biggest risk is not the risk itself, but the missed opportunity if you don’t take the risk.” – Anonymous

This anonymous quote reinforces the idea that the primary risk is not the action itself but the potential loss of opportunities if one refrains from taking calculated risks. Regret often stems from opportunities not seized. When individuals opt for safety and avoid risks entirely, they may never realize their full potential or achieve their goals.

17. “Blind risk is stupid, but calculated risks are worth taking.” – Adam Burch

Adam Burch draws a distinction between reckless, uninformed risk and calculated strategic risk. Blindly taking risks without assessing potential outcomes can indeed be unwise. However, when risks are carefully evaluated and planned, they become worthwhile endeavors that can lead to positive results and personal growth.

18. “You need to be a risk-taker, but you have to also make sure that you are a calculated risk-taker.” – Pooja Agnihotri

Pooja Agnihotri emphasizes the need for balance in risk-taking. While being a risk-taker can open doors to opportunities and growth, it’s equally important to ensure that the risks taken are calculated and informed. It’s a reminder that thoughtful consideration and planning should precede any risk, ensuring the best chance of success.

19. “Sometimes in life, you have to throw caution to the wind. You have to take a chance on something that may not be a sure thing. This is what we call living.” – Dawn Robertson

Dawn Robertson’s quote celebrates the spontaneity and vitality of life. It suggests that there are moments when it’s essential to step outside one’s comfort zone, even when the outcome is uncertain. Taking risks can lead to rich experiences and a more fulfilling life, where the journey itself becomes a valuable part of living.

20. “The definition of a calculated risk is a gamble which military men take when they can’t figure out what else to do and which turns out to be right. When it turns out wrong, it wasn’t a calculated risk at all. It was a piece of utter stupidity.” – Daniel V. Gallery

Daniel V. Gallery’s quote explores the fine line between calculated risks and reckless actions. A calculated risk, by definition, involves thoughtful analysis and consideration of potential outcomes. When such risks yield positive results, they can be seen as strategic decisions. However, when actions turn out poorly, it’s a reminder that true calculated risks should be based on careful planning rather than impulsive decisions. It underscores the importance of discernment in risk-taking.

C. Growth and Learning from Risk:

21. “One of the worst mistakes you can make as a leader is putting your life on cruise control. Good, effective, and relevant leadership is all about lifelong learning. It is about being teachable, accountable, proactive, and trying new things. Growth means taking calculated risks.” – Dave Kraft

Dave Kraft underscores the importance of continuous learning and adaptability in leadership. He suggests that leaders who become complacent and fail to take calculated risks may hinder their own growth and the progress of their teams or organizations. Embracing change and calculated risks is essential for effective leadership and personal development.

22. “Every day take one optimistic calculated risk to find out how far you can go.” – Debasish Mridha

Debasish Mridha encourages a daily practice of taking optimistic, calculated risks. This habit fosters personal growth by challenging individuals to step outside their comfort zones regularly. Over time, these small, calculated risks accumulate, leading to self-discovery and the realization of one’s potential.

23. “If we only take risks that make us the most comfortable, we’re likely missing out on some great opportunities. Taking calculated risks often means the difference between living a mediocre life and living an extraordinary life.” – Amy Morin

Amy Morin highlights the contrast between a comfortable but mediocre life and an extraordinary life that involves taking calculated risks. She suggests that playing it safe at all times may limit one’s experiences and potential achievements. Calculated risks, when embraced, can lead to a more fulfilling and extraordinary life.

D. Business and Financial Perspective:

24. “Rich people are often creative and take calculated risks. People who take the longest are people who are not familiar with numbers and often do not understand the power of investing.” – Robert T. Kiyosaki

Robert T. Kiyosaki emphasizes the connection between financial success and a willingness to take calculated risks, particularly in the realm of investing. He suggests that financial growth often requires creativity and an understanding of the power of strategic investments. Avoiding risk entirely can lead to missed opportunities for wealth accumulation.

25. “Business agility is not just about raw speed. It’s about how good you are at detecting and responding to changes in the market and being able to take larger and more calculated risks.” – Gene Kim

Gene Kim delves into the concept of business agility, highlighting that it’s not solely about speed but also about adaptability and the ability to seize opportunities through calculated risk-taking. In a dynamic business environment, the capacity to assess and act on calculated risks can be a crucial factor in achieving success.

26. “Some of my greatest successes in business are simply the result of taking huge, calculated risks.” – Chris Mentillo

Chris Mentillo reflects on the role of calculated risks in his business success. This quote emphasizes that some of the most significant achievements in the business world stem from the willingness to take substantial and well-thought-out risks. These risks can lead to transformative outcomes and serve as catalysts for growth and innovation in business ventures.

E. The Value of Action:

28. “Life is inherently risky. There is only one big risk you should avoid at all costs, and that is the risk of doing nothing.” – Denis Waitley

Denis Waitley aptly characterizes life as inherently filled with risks. However, he emphasizes that the greatest risk one can take is to remain passive and do nothing. Avoiding action can lead to missed opportunities, unfulfilled potential, and a sense of stagnation. This quote encourages individuals to embrace life’s challenges and seize opportunities as they come.

29. “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretzky

Wayne Gretzky’s quote is a simple yet powerful reminder that inaction guarantees failure. If you never take a shot or make an attempt, you’ll never achieve success. This quote underscores the importance of taking chances and putting forth effort, as only by doing so can you hope to accomplish your goals and realize your aspirations.

30. “In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.” – Lewis Carroll

Lewis Carroll’s quote reflects on the idea that when reflecting on our lives, the regrets we carry are often linked to opportunities not pursued, risks not taken, and chances not acted upon. It serves as a poignant reminder that taking action, even in the face of uncertainty, can lead to a life with fewer regrets and a richer tapestry of experiences.

F. Risk as a Path to Success:

31. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill’s quote reminds us that both success and failure are not permanent states. Success should not lead to complacency, and failure should not be seen as the end. What truly matters is the courage to persevere and keep moving forward despite setbacks. Risk-taking is an integral part of this journey, as it often involves overcoming failures and setbacks to ultimately achieve success.

32. “Risk is the down payment on success.” – Anonymous

This anonymous quote paints risk as a necessary investment in the pursuit of success. Just as a down payment is required to secure a valuable asset, taking calculated risks is essential to open doors to opportunities and achieve one’s goals. It implies that without taking risks, success remains out of reach.

33. “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” – John D. Rockefeller

John D. Rockefeller’s quote encourages individuals to move beyond their comfort zones and aim for excellence. It suggests that settling for what is merely “good” can limit one’s potential for achieving greatness. Taking calculated risks, such as leaving a comfortable but unfulfilling situation, maybe the path to realizing extraordinary success.

34. “Opportunities don’t happen. You create them.” – Chris Grosser

Chris Grosser’s quote emphasizes that opportunities are not merely waiting to be stumbled upon; they are the product of proactive effort and calculated risk-taking. By taking the initiative to create opportunities through strategic actions and decisions, individuals can shape their own path to success.

35. “If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.” – Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn’s quote encourages individuals to break free from the ordinary and aspire to achieve more. It implies that settling for a life without taking calculated risks may result in a mediocre existence. To attain greatness and embrace the extraordinary, one must be willing to step outside the comfort zone and pursue unconventional paths to success.

G. Passion and Fulfillment:

36. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.” – Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs emphasizes the importance of passion in achieving greatness. Loving what you do is not just a source of personal fulfillment but also the key to producing exceptional work. The quote encourages individuals to persistently search for their true passions and not settle for anything less. It reinforces the idea that genuine passion is the driving force behind remarkable accomplishments.

H. The Courage to Take Big Steps:

37. “Don’t be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated. You can’t cross a chasm in two small jumps.” – David Lloyd George

David Lloyd George uses a vivid metaphor to convey the significance of taking bold actions when necessary. In life, there are moments when incremental progress or small steps won’t suffice to overcome substantial challenges or achieve significant goals. To tackle a substantial obstacle or cross a metaphorical “chasm,” it often requires the courage to take a decisive and substantial leap forward. This quote encourages individuals to recognize such moments and act boldly when needed to make meaningful progress.

I. The Consequences of Avoiding Risk:

38. “If you don’t risk anything, you risk even more.” – Erica Jong

Erica Jong’s quote illustrates that by avoiding risks altogether, individuals expose themselves to the risk of stagnation and missed opportunities. While avoiding risk may seem like a safer path, it can lead to a life devoid of growth, excitement, and achievement. In essence, the fear of taking risks can result in the greater risk of a limited and unfulfilled existence.

39. “The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn and feel and change and grow and love and live.” – Leo F. Buscaglia

Leo F. Buscaglia’s quote vividly depicts the consequences of absolute risk avoidance. It suggests that by choosing not to take any risks, individuals may protect themselves from suffering and disappointment, but they also forfeit the opportunity to experience the full spectrum of life. To truly live, learn, grow, love, and achieve, one must be willing to embrace calculated risks.

J. Achieving Greatness Through Risk:

40. “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” – Robert F. Kennedy

Robert F. Kennedy’s quote highlights that significant achievements often come from daring to take substantial risks. Greatness is not achieved by playing it safe but by daring to aim high, even if it means facing the possibility of failure. It underscores the idea that calculated risks, despite the potential for setbacks, are the foundation of extraordinary accomplishments.

41. “I want to take the calculated risk; to dream and to build, to fail and to succeed.” – Dean Alfange

Dean Alfange expresses the desire to engage in calculated risk-taking as a means to fulfill dreams, build something meaningful, and experience both failure and success. This quote conveys the idea that calculated risks are an essential part of personal and professional growth. By embracing risk, individuals can embark on journeys that encompass both setbacks and triumphs, ultimately leading to personal fulfillment.

42. “You have to take the calculated risk; to earn something.” – Dhirubhai Ambani

Dhirubhai Ambani’s quote emphasizes that in the pursuit of success, one must be willing to undertake calculated risks. These risks are essential steps on the path to earning or achieving something significant. It suggests that without taking calculated risks, individuals may miss out on opportunities to realize their goals and aspirations.


In life, taking calculated risks is like stepping into the unknown with a map. It’s a path to growth, opportunities, and realizing dreams. Embrace risk, make informed choices, and don’t let fear hold you back. Remember, the greatest achievements often come from those willing to leap into the unknown. So, go ahead, take that chance, and watch your life transform!

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