19 Determination Perseverance Quotes for a Resilient Journey

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Determination and perseverance are the dynamic duo that fuels our journey towards success. In the pursuit of our dreams, these two qualities work hand in hand, intertwining their strengths to propel us forward. Determination lays the foundation, representing our unwavering resolve and decision to achieve a goal. Perseverance, on the other hand, is the steadfast commitment to keep going, even when faced with obstacles or setbacks. Together, they form an inseparable bond, guiding us through challenges, instilling resilience, and serving as beacons of inspiration. Let’s delve into the world of determination and perseverance quotes, where simple yet profound words offer valuable insights, encouragement, and the wisdom to navigate the twists and turns on the path to success.

19 Determination perseverance quotes

1. Marva Collins: “Determination and perseverance move the world; thinking that others will do it for you is a sure way to fail.”

Marva Collins emphasizes the critical role determination and perseverance play in achieving success. The quote suggests that these qualities are not only valuable but essential for making progress in life. The idea is that waiting for others to take action on your behalf is a recipe for failure. Instead, it encourages taking personal responsibility and relying on your own determination and perseverance to overcome challenges and achieve your goals. In essence, the quote underscores the proactive nature of success, emphasizing that it’s driven by personal effort and resilience.

2. Lailah Gifty Akita: “In the achievement of dreams demands 100 percent dedication.”

Lailah Gifty Akita’s quote stresses the importance of unwavering dedication in the pursuit of one’s dreams. The phrase “100 percent dedication” implies wholehearted commitment and complete focus on your goals. It suggests that half-hearted efforts or wavering commitment may not be sufficient to attain your aspirations. The quote teaches that success in realizing your dreams requires giving your absolute best and channeling all your energy and efforts into your endeavors. It reinforces the idea that perseverance and dedication go hand in hand and that full commitment to your goals is a prerequisite for overcoming obstacles and reaching the heights of achievement.

3. Lailah Gifty Akita: “Don’t quit when you encounter an obstacle.”

Lailah Gifty Akita’s quote conveys a simple yet powerful message about determination and perseverance. When faced with obstacles or challenges, the quote advises against giving up. Instead of quitting, it encourages you to persist and find a way to overcome the difficulties. The underlying lesson is that setbacks are a natural part of any journey, and success often requires pushing through obstacles with determination. By choosing not to quit when faced with challenges, you demonstrate resilience and a strong commitment to your goals. This quote teaches the importance of perseverance in the face of adversity, emphasizing that overcoming obstacles is a key part of the path to success.

4. Germany Kent: “Unflinching determination and perseverance on your part gives you the power to turn your goal into a reality.”

Germany Kent’s quote emphasizes the transformative power of determination and perseverance. The term “unflinching” suggests steadfast resolve, unwavering commitment, and an undeterred attitude in the pursuit of your goals. The quote suggests that these qualities, when consistently applied, have the ability to turn your dreams into reality. By persevering through challenges and maintaining determination, you gain the strength and resilience needed to overcome obstacles and reach your desired destination. The quote serves as a motivational reminder that the journey towards success often requires continuous effort and a refusal to be swayed by difficulties, reinforcing the idea that determination and perseverance are integral to achieving your aspirations.

5. Pep Talk Radio: “Success is not about luck; it’s about perseverance and relentless determination.”

Pep Talk Radio’s quote challenges the notion that success is purely a matter of luck. Instead, it emphasizes the crucial role of determination and perseverance in achieving success. The idea is that consistent effort, a refusal to give up, and an unwavering commitment to your goals are the real driving forces behind success. By highlighting the importance of these qualities, the quote encourages you to focus on your own actions and mindset, reinforcing the idea that success is something you actively work towards rather than something that happens by chance.

6. Robert Strauss: “Success is a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don’t quit when you’re tired. You quit when the gorilla is tired.”

Robert Strauss uses a vivid analogy to convey the concept of perseverance in the face of challenges. The comparison to wrestling a gorilla suggests that achieving success can be a strenuous and demanding endeavor. The quote advises against quitting when you feel tired or discouraged. Instead, it humorously suggests that you keep going until the challenge itself is exhausted. This quote serves as a motivational reminder that success often requires enduring effort and resilience. It teaches the importance of persistence, even when faced with formidable obstacles, reinforcing the idea that perseverance is a key factor in overcoming difficulties and achieving your goals.

7. Ellen J. Barrier: “Determination in spite of the challenge makes us stronger.”

Ellen J. Barrier’s quote emphasizes the strengthening effect of determination in the face of challenges. It suggests that when you maintain a determined mindset despite difficulties, you not only overcome the immediate challenge but also build resilience and strength within yourself. The quote encourages viewing challenges as opportunities for personal growth and development. It teaches that the act of persisting through difficulties, rather than succumbing to them, contributes to your overall strength and character. In essence, this quote underscores the idea that determination is not just a means to an end but a transformative process that makes you stronger and more capable in the long run.

8. Lailah Gifty Akita: “Be daring and determined. There is nothing to lose in this life.”

Lailah Gifty Akita’s quote encourages a bold and determined approach to life. The phrase “be daring” suggests taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone, while “determined” underscores the importance of steadfast commitment to your goals. The quote implies that by embracing determination and daringness, you open yourself up to opportunities and experiences. It teaches that in life, where uncertainties exist, being daring and determined allows you to face challenges with resilience, and in doing so, you have nothing to lose. This quote instills the idea that a combination of courage and perseverance can lead to a fulfilling and successful life.

9. Vince Lombardi: “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.”

Vince Lombardi’s quote cuts to the core of what separates successful individuals from others. It points out that it’s not necessarily physical strength or knowledge that sets someone apart, but rather the strength of their will or determination. The quote implies that success is more about mindset and perseverance than innate abilities. It teaches that cultivating a strong and unwavering will, a determination to push through challenges, is a key factor in achieving success. This quote emphasizes the importance of mental resilience and the refusal to give up as crucial components of the path to success.

10. Kevin Johnson: “Success can only be achieved through repeated failure and introspection.”

Kevin Johnson’s quote highlights the iterative nature of success. The phrase “repeated failure” suggests that setbacks and failures are a natural part of the journey towards success. The quote encourages viewing failure not as a permanent defeat but as a stepping stone to eventual success. The word “introspection” underscores the importance of reflecting on one’s experiences and learning from failures. This quote teaches that determination and perseverance are essential in the face of setbacks. It emphasizes the idea that success is often a result of learning from failures, adapting, and persisting in the pursuit of your goals.

11. Kevin Johnson: “We must learn to see that life’s trials are nothing but passing circumstances and that something can be done to overcome them.”

In this quote, Kevin Johnson imparts a valuable lesson about perspective and resilience. The phrase “life’s trials are nothing but passing circumstances” suggests that challenges are temporary and can be overcome. The quote encourages the mindset that difficulties are not insurmountable obstacles but rather fleeting situations. It teaches the importance of recognizing that problems are part of life and that, with determination and effort, there is always a way to overcome them. This quote emphasizes the idea that a positive and proactive perspective is crucial in the face of challenges, promoting the belief that you have the power to navigate through life’s trials.

12. Kevin Johnson: “One must learn to work towards one goal at a time and focus all energy into that objective.”

Kevin Johnson’s quote underscores the significance of focus and prioritization in the pursuit of goals. The phrase “one goal at a time” suggests the importance of not spreading oneself too thin. Instead, it advocates for concentrating all your efforts on a single objective. The quote teaches that by channeling all your energy into one goal, you increase the likelihood of success. It emphasizes the power of concentration and perseverance in achieving meaningful results. This quote encourages the development of a disciplined approach to goal-setting and execution, reinforcing the idea that determined, focused efforts can lead to success.

13. Kevin Johnson: “Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuses to change any and every part of your life in an instant.”

Kevin Johnson’s quote highlights the transformative potential of decision-making. The phrase “power of decision” suggests that making a conscious choice has the capacity to bring about significant change. The quote teaches that decisions, when backed by determination, can overcome any excuses and lead to instant transformation. It emphasizes personal agency and the idea that, with the right mindset, you have the capacity to shape and change various aspects of your life. This quote encourages a proactive approach to decision-making, reinforcing the concept that determination, combined with decisive action, can bring about positive and rapid change.

14. Jody Hedlund: “Courage is not the absence of fear but the determination to persevere when circumstances are at their worst.”

Jody Hedlund’s quote redefines courage by emphasizing that it’s not about being fearless but about pushing forward despite fear. The quote suggests that true courage is displayed in the face of challenging circumstances. It teaches that determination and perseverance are the driving forces behind overcoming adversity. In simple terms, when things are tough and fear is present, the quote encourages you to hold onto your determination and keep going. It reinforces the idea that facing challenges head-on, even when afraid, is a powerful demonstration of courage.

15. Nikolay Karamzin: “When a woman seriously fixes a determination, nothing can exceed the resolution, constancy, and perseverance of her conduct.”

Nikolay Karamzin’s quote specifically focuses on the determination of women. The phrase “seriously fixes a determination” implies a strong and committed decision. The quote suggests that when a woman sets her mind on a goal, her resolution, constancy, and perseverance become unparalleled. It teaches that determination, when firmly established, becomes a driving force that shapes behavior and actions. This quote emphasizes the strength and tenacity that arise from a woman’s resolute determination, highlighting the transformative power of perseverance in achieving goals.

16. Lailah Gifty Akita: “Every discouragement was meant to keep you from reaching your dream. Do not give up, but stay determined to achieve your aims.”

Lailah Gifty Akita’s quote addresses the inevitability of discouragement in pursuing dreams. The quote suggests that setbacks and discouragements are not indications to give up but rather obstacles meant to test your determination. It teaches that staying resolute in the face of discouragement is crucial for achieving your aims. The encouragement here is not to let challenges derail your pursuit but to use them as fuel for greater determination. In essence, the quote underscores the idea that perseverance in the face of discouragement is a key element in the journey towards realizing your dreams.

17. Lailah Gifty Akita: “If you stay determined, the obstacles cannot stop your progress. You will triumph over every mountain.”

Lailah Gifty Akita’s quote emphasizes the power of determination in overcoming obstacles. The quote suggests that as long as you remain determined, obstacles won’t be able to impede your progress. It conveys the idea that determination acts as a force that propels you forward, enabling you to conquer challenges. The metaphor “triumph over every mountain” suggests that with steadfast determination, you can overcome even the most significant challenges in your path. This quote teaches that perseverance and a resolute mindset are key ingredients for navigating and surmounting obstacles on your journey to success.

18. Lailah Gifty Akita: “The enthusiasm to work hard and endless determination are the two great skills for success.”

In this quote, Lailah Gifty Akita highlights the importance of two fundamental qualities for success: enthusiasm to work hard and endless determination. The quote implies that success is not merely about talent or luck but is significantly influenced by dedication to hard work and an unwavering determination to achieve goals. It teaches that combining a positive and enthusiastic work ethic with persistent determination creates a powerful synergy that paves the way for success. This quote encourages adopting a proactive and determined approach to work, emphasizing that sustained effort and a passionate mindset are integral to achieving one’s aspirations.

19. Lailah Gifty Akita: “You have the grace to overcome any obstacle. Be strong in heart and in spirit!”

Lailah Gifty Akita’s quote conveys a message of empowerment and resilience. The phrase “you have the grace to overcome any obstacle” suggests an inherent capability to face and conquer challenges. The quote encourages strength not only in physical terms but also in heart and spirit, emphasizing a holistic and determined approach to overcoming obstacles. It teaches that resilience and determination when rooted in a strong spirit, provide the inner strength needed to navigate through difficulties. This quote serves as a reminder that, with determination and a resilient spirit, you possess the capacity to overcome any obstacle that comes your way.

Key teachings:

  • Personal responsibility for success: Rely on your determination and perseverance instead of expecting others to do it for you.
  • Overcoming obstacles with determination: Do not quit when faced with obstacles; persistence and determination lead to success.
  • Dedication as a requirement for achieving dreams: Success demands 100 percent dedication; channel all your energy into your aspirations.
  • Determination’s role in achieving dreams: Be daring and determined; taking risks and being determined lead to a life with nothing to lose.
  • Willpower as a differentiator for success: Success is not about lack of strength or knowledge but lack of will; willpower is crucial for success.
  • Viewing trials as passing circumstances: Life’s trials are temporary; with determination, something can be done to overcome them.
  • Focused and prioritized goal pursuit: Work towards one goal at a time, concentrating all energy into that objective for increased chances of success.
  • The transformative power of decision-making: Using the power of decision can bring about instant and significant life changes; excuses can be overcome.
  • Courage in the face of fear: True courage is persevering when circumstances are at their worst, not the absence of fear.
  • Resolution, constancy, and perseverance of women: When a woman seriously determines a goal, her conduct exhibits unparalleled resolution, constancy, and perseverance.
  • Overcoming discouragement with determination: Discouragement is meant to keep you from your dream; stay determined to achieve your aims.
  • Triumph over obstacles with determination: If you stay determined, obstacles cannot stop your progress; you will triumph over every mountain.
  • Enthusiasm to work hard and endless determination for success: Hard work and unwavering determination are crucial skills for achieving success.
  • Grace to overcome any obstacle; strength in heart and spirit: You possess the grace to overcome obstacles; be strong in heart and spirit for resilience.


In a world of determination and perseverance, every step counts. Let these quotes be your companions on this exciting journey. Remember, challenges are just temporary stops, not the end of the road. Keep moving forward with determination, and let perseverance be your guide. Your dreams are waiting at the finish line, and you have everything within you to reach them. Keep believing and keep going!

Sources: Perseverance Quotes – Goodreads

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