Not Getting What You Want Quotes: 11 Valuable Lessons

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“Not getting what you want” is a common experience that everyone encounters at some point in their lives. It’s the feeling of disappointment or frustration when our desires or wishes aren’t fulfilled. However, quotes about this topic offer valuable insights and perspectives that can help us navigate through these moments of disappointment. These quotes provide different viewpoints on the concept of not getting what you want, reminding us that setbacks are a natural part of life and encouraging us to develop resilience, gratitude, and perspective. In simple words, these quotes serve as reminders that it’s okay to feel disappointed but also offer guidance on how to overcome setbacks and find contentment in the present moment.

What does it mean ‘not getting what you want’?

“Not getting what you want” simply means not getting the thing or outcome you desire or wish for. It’s when you have a specific want or goal in mind, but circumstances or actions prevent you from achieving it. This could be anything from not getting a job you applied for, not receiving a gift you hoped for, or not achieving a particular grade in school. Essentially, it’s the feeling of disappointment or frustration when things don’t turn out as you hoped or planned.

How will these quotes help?

These quotes about “not getting what you want” offer valuable insights and perspectives that can help individuals navigate through disappointments and setbacks:

  • Perspective: The quotes provide different viewpoints on the concept of not getting what you want, helping individuals to broaden their perspective and understand that disappointments are a natural part of life.
  • Validation: They validate the feelings of disappointment or frustration that individuals may experience when their desires are not fulfilled, reminding them that it’s okay to feel that way.
  • Resilience: By acknowledging the challenges of not getting what you want, the quotes encourage individuals to develop resilience and perseverance in the face of obstacles.
  • Reflection: The quotes prompt individuals to reflect on their desires, ambitions, and reactions to setbacks, encouraging introspection and personal growth.
  • Mindfulness: Some quotes emphasize the importance of mindfulness and gratitude for the present moment, reminding individuals to find contentment and happiness regardless of their circumstances.

These quotes serve as reminders that not getting what you want is a universal experience, and they offer guidance on how to navigate through disappointments with resilience, perspective, and mindfulness.

11 Not getting what you want quotes

1. “Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.” – Dalai Lama XIV

This quote suggests that sometimes when you don’t get what you desire, it can turn out to be beneficial or fortunate in unexpected ways. It implies that what we perceive as disappointments or setbacks can actually lead us towards better outcomes or opportunities that we might not have anticipated.

Teaching: It teaches us to cultivate a mindset of acceptance and trust in the universe. Instead of being disheartened by not achieving our desires, we should remain open to the possibility that things might work out for the better in ways we hadn’t imagined.

  • Cultivate acceptance and trust in the universe.
  • Remain open to the possibility that apparent setbacks may lead to unexpected benefits.
  • Embrace the idea that not getting what you want can sometimes be a stroke of luck.
Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.

[Quote source: Goodreads]

2. “There are two ways of being unhappy. Not getting what you want is one. Getting what you want is the other.” – Eckhart Tolle

Tolle’s quote highlights a paradoxical aspect of human desires. It suggests that both not getting what we want and getting what we want can lead to unhappiness. Not getting what we desire can obviously result in disappointment, but Tolle also points out that even when we do attain our desires, it may not necessarily bring lasting happiness or fulfillment.

Teaching: This quote teaches us to reassess our relationship with desires and material possessions. It encourages us to seek happiness and contentment beyond mere acquisition and to find fulfillment in the present moment rather than constantly chasing after external goals.

  • Reassess your relationship with desires and material possessions.
  • Seek happiness and contentment beyond mere acquisition.
  • Find fulfillment in the present moment rather than constantly chasing external goals.
  • Understand that both getting what you want and not getting what you want can lead to unhappiness, emphasizing the importance of inner peace and contentment.

[Quote source: Goodreads]

3. “It was so much easier when I didn’t want anything. Not getting what you want can make you cruel.” – David Levithan

Levithan’s quote reflects on the potential negative effects of not getting what you desire. It suggests that when one becomes fixated on their desires and consistently faces disappointment, it can breed feelings of frustration and bitterness. Not attaining what one wants can lead to a sense of powerlessness, which may manifest in unkind or cruel behavior towards others.

Teaching: This quote highlights the importance of managing expectations and desires. It serves as a reminder that unchecked desires can have detrimental effects on one’s character and relationships. It encourages reflection on the relationship between desire, disappointment, and personal conduct, urging individuals to cultivate empathy and resilience in the face of unmet desires.

  • Be mindful of the impact of unmet desires on your emotions and behavior.
  • Recognize that unchecked desires can lead to feelings of frustration and bitterness.
  • Cultivate empathy and resilience to navigate disappointment and unmet expectations gracefully.
  • Reflect on the relationship between desire, disappointment, and personal conduct, striving to maintain kindness and compassion towards others.

[Quote source: Goodreads]

4. “Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Brown’s quote offers a contrasting perspective by emphasizing the correlation between happiness and generosity rather than material acquisition. It suggests that true happiness stems not from accumulating more possessions or fulfilling personal desires, but from giving and contributing to others’ well-being.

Teaching: This quote teaches the value of altruism and service to others as pathways to fulfillment. It encourages individuals to shift their focus from self-centered desires to acts of kindness and generosity. By prioritizing giving over getting, one can cultivate a deeper sense of satisfaction and contentment that transcends material possessions or personal ambitions.

  • Find happiness in giving rather than receiving.
  • Understand that true fulfillment comes from contributing to others’ well-being.
  • Shift focus from self-centered desires to acts of kindness and generosity.
  • Prioritize altruism and service to others as pathways to deeper satisfaction and contentment.

[Quote source: Goodreads]

5. “Sometimes not getting what you want is God’s greatest blessing.” – Steve Maraboli

Maraboli’s quote suggests that there are instances when not receiving what you desire can actually be a blessing, particularly when viewed from a spiritual or higher perspective. It implies that what may seem like a disappointment or setback could ultimately lead to greater blessings or opportunities that align more closely with one’s destiny or spiritual growth.

Teaching: This quote teaches the value of trust and surrender to a higher power or divine plan. It encourages individuals to embrace the idea that what appears to be a loss or denial may actually be a part of a larger, benevolent design. It invites reflection on the notion that challenges and disappointments can serve as catalysts for personal growth and spiritual evolution.

  • Embrace the idea that not receiving what you desire can sometimes be a blessing.
  • Trust in a higher power or divine plan, recognizing that disappointments may lead to greater opportunities or growth.
  • View challenges as potential catalysts for personal development and spiritual evolution.
Sometimes not getting what you want is God's greatest blessing

[Quote source: Goodreads]

6. “The only thing worse than not getting what you want is someone else getting it.” – R. Sterling

Sterling’s quote conveys a sense of envy or resentment towards others who achieve what one desires. It suggests that the only thing worse than not getting what you want is witnessing someone else attain it instead. This quote reflects the negative emotions that can arise from comparison and feelings of inadequacy.

Teaching: This quote serves as a cautionary reminder about the dangers of envy and comparison. It highlights the importance of cultivating contentment and gratitude for one’s own journey and accomplishments, rather than becoming consumed by jealousy towards others. It prompts individuals to focus on their own paths and aspirations, rather than fixating on what others possess.

  • Avoid falling into the trap of envy and comparison.
  • Focus on your own journey and accomplishments rather than fixating on what others have.
  • Cultivate contentment and gratitude for your own path, regardless of what others may achieve.

[Quote source: Goodreads]

7. “The key to happiness is not getting what you want but wanting what you get” – Jane Green

Green’s quote emphasizes the importance of mindset and attitude in achieving happiness. It suggests that true contentment arises not from obtaining everything one desires, but from finding fulfillment in what one already has. It encourages a shift in perspective from constantly chasing external desires to appreciating and wanting what is currently present in one’s life.

Teaching: This quote teaches the value of gratitude and acceptance. It prompts individuals to reflect on the blessings and opportunities already present in their lives, fostering a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. It underscores the idea that happiness is a state of mind that can be cultivated through appreciation for the present moment and the blessings it brings.

  • Shift your perspective from constantly chasing external desires to finding fulfillment in the present moment.
  • Cultivate gratitude and acceptance for what you already have.
  • Understand that happiness comes from wanting and appreciating what you have, rather than constantly seeking what you don’t.

[Quote source: Goodreads]

8. “Getting what you want is just as difficult as not getting what you want. Because then you have to figure out what to do with it instead of figuring out what to do without it.” – David Levithan

Levithan’s quote suggests that achieving what you desire can be just as challenging as not attaining it. While not getting what you want presents its own set of difficulties, obtaining your desires introduces the challenge of figuring out how to manage and appreciate them. It highlights the importance of introspection and decision-making in both scenarios.

Teaching: This quote teaches the importance of introspection and decision-making in navigating desires and achievements. It encourages individuals to consider not only what they want but also what they will do once they obtain it. It prompts reflection on the responsibilities and consequences that come with fulfilling desires, emphasizing the need for thoughtful consideration and planning.

  • Obtaining what you desire presents its own set of challenges and responsibilities.
  • Encourages introspection and thoughtful decision-making when pursuing desires.
  • Highlights the importance of considering the consequences and responsibilities that come with achieving one’s desires.

[Quote source: Goodreads]

9. “Success is not getting what you want, it’s enjoying what you have.” – Glen Campbell

Campbell’s quote redefines success by emphasizing the importance of enjoying and appreciating what one already has, rather than constantly striving for more. It suggests that true success lies not in acquiring everything one desires but in finding contentment and satisfaction with one’s current circumstances and possessions.

Teaching: This quote teaches the value of gratitude and perspective in defining success. It encourages individuals to shift their focus from external goals and desires to internal fulfillment and appreciation. It prompts reflection on the blessings and opportunities already present in one’s life, fostering a sense of contentment and gratitude for what one has achieved.

  • Redefines success as finding enjoyment and contentment in what one already has.
  • Encourages gratitude and appreciation for present circumstances and possessions.
  • Shifts focus from external goals to internal fulfillment and satisfaction.
Success is not getting what you want, it's enjoying what you have

[Quote source: BrainyQuote]

10. “Sometimes when you’re not getting what you want in this game you have to shout a bit and throw a bit of a tantrum.” – George Groves

Groves’s quote suggests that when faced with obstacles or difficulties in achieving one’s desires, it can be tempting to express frustration or anger. The reference to shouting and throwing a tantrum implies a reactive response to the situation, driven by the emotions of disappointment or dissatisfaction.

Teaching: This quote highlights the natural tendency to experience frustration or agitation when faced with obstacles or unmet desires. It serves as a reminder that it’s okay to express emotions but also underscores the importance of managing those emotions constructively. It teaches the value of resilience and assertiveness in navigating challenges, urging individuals to find healthy ways to advocate for their needs while maintaining composure and perspective.

  • When faced with obstacles or unmet desires, it’s natural to experience frustration or disappointment.
  • Expressing emotions is okay, but it’s important to manage them constructively.
  • Highlight the importance of resilience and assertiveness in navigating challenges.

[Quote source: BrainyQuote]

11. “I’m ambitious. I do think you have a tendency to be less happy sometimes when you’re a seeker. You can be disenchanted because you’re not getting what you want, and you’re always striving and looking ahead instead of just being in the moment.” – Matt Dillon

Dillon’s quote reflects on the complex interplay between ambition, happiness, and contentment. It suggests that individuals driven by ambition may experience periods of disillusionment or unhappiness when their desires are not fulfilled. The constant pursuit of goals and aspirations can lead to a sense of disconnection from the present moment, as attention is focused primarily on future achievements.

Teaching: This quote teaches the importance of finding a balance between ambition and present-moment awareness. It encourages individuals to cultivate mindfulness and gratitude for the present, rather than constantly striving for future accomplishments. It prompts reflection on the potential pitfalls of relentless ambition, emphasizing the importance of finding fulfillment and happiness in the journey rather than solely focusing on the destination.

  • Ambition can sometimes lead to dissatisfaction or unhappiness when desires aren’t fulfilled.
  • Encourages finding the balance between ambition and present-moment awareness.
  • Emphasizes the importance of mindfulness and gratitude for the present, rather than solely focusing on future achievements.

[Quote source: BrainyQuote]


In conclusion, ‘not getting what you want’ quotes offer valuable wisdom for navigating life’s disappointments with resilience and gratitude. They remind us that setbacks are natural and encourage us to find strength in adversity. By embracing these perspectives, we can cultivate a mindset of acceptance, perseverance, and appreciation for the present moment, ultimately leading to greater fulfillment and inner peace.