19 Bravery Quotes by Mahatma Gandhi

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In the face of challenges and adversity, Mahatma Gandhi’s words on bravery continue to inspire and guide us. His wisdom transcends time, teaching us that true courage is not about physical strength but the strength of our character and convictions. In this post, we’ll explore some of the inspiring bravery quotes said by Mahatma Gandhi, breaking them down into simple words to understand how they encourage us to be bold, nonviolent, and steadfast in our pursuit of justice and truth.

Read what is bravery.

Mahatma Gandhi Quotes on Brave

1. “Bravery is not man’s monopoly.”

This quote tells us that being brave is not limited to just one gender. It means anyone, regardless of being a man or woman, can be courageous and face challenges with strength and determination.

2. “Bravery is not a quality of the body, it is of the soul.”

This quote teaches us that courage is not about physical strength; it’s about the strength of one’s character and spirit. It inspires us to be brave in our actions and decisions.

Brave Quotes by Gandhiji

“Bravery is not a quality of the body, it is of the soul.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

3. “Nonviolence is the summit of bravery.”

This quote emphasizes that the highest form of courage is found in nonviolent actions. It inspires us to solve problems and conflicts without resorting to violence, showing true bravery in seeking peaceful solutions.

4. “Bravery on the battlefield is impossible for us. The bravery of the soul still remains open to us.”

Gandhi suggests that war and violence are not brave acts. True bravery, he says, lies in maintaining one’s principles and values, even in challenging situations. This inspires us to be steadfast in our beliefs.

5. “I see neither bravery nor sacrifice in destroying life or property for offense or defense.”

This quote challenges the idea that harming others or damaging property can be considered brave or sacrificial. Instead, Gandhi encourages us to find bravery in protecting and preserving life and peace.

6. “Mere brave speech without action is letting off useless steam.”

Gandhi reminds us that words alone are not enough to demonstrate bravery. True courage is displayed through meaningful actions. This quote encourages us to act on our convictions rather than just talking about them.

7. “True Purusha, true bravery, consists in driving out the brute in us.”

Gandhi suggests that real bravery is about overcoming the aggressive and harmful tendencies within us. It inspires us to focus on self-improvement and becoming better individuals.

8. “Unexampled bravery, born of nonviolence, coupled with strict honesty shown by a fair number of Muslims, was sure to infect the whole of India.”

Gandhi praises the extraordinary courage of those who practice nonviolence and honesty. He believes that such bravery can have a positive influence on society. This quote inspires us to adopt these values and make a difference in our communities.

9. “The art of dying bravely and with honor does not need any special training, save a living faith in God.”

Gandhi reminds us that facing death with courage and honor is not something that requires special training. It simply requires a strong and unwavering faith in a higher power. This quote inspires us to find strength in our faith during difficult times.

Brave Quotes by Gandhiji

“The art of dying bravely and with honor does not need any special training, save a living faith in God.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

10. “For thousands to do to death a few hundreds is no bravery. It is worse than cowardice. It is unworthy of nationalism, of any religion.”

Gandhi criticizes the act of killing or harming a few in the name of a larger cause or belief. He suggests that it is neither brave nor righteous and goes against the principles of nationalism and religion. This quote encourages us to seek peaceful and ethical solutions to conflicts.

11. “Active nonviolence of the brave puts to flight thieves, dacoits, murderers, and prepares an army of volunteers ready to sacrifice themselves in quelling riots, in extinguishing fires and feuds, and so on.”

This quote tells us that brave people can use nonviolent actions to confront and deter criminals and resolve conflicts. It also inspires us to be courageous in standing up for justice and helping others, even in dangerous situations.

12. “Nonviolence is not a weapon of the weak. It is a weapon of the strongest and the bravest.”

Gandhi emphasizes that nonviolence is a powerful tool used by those who are strong and brave. It inspires us to understand that resolving issues without violence takes great strength and courage.

13. “There can be no friendship between cowards, or cowards and brave men.”

This quote reminds us that true friendship is built on trust and shared values. Cowards and brave individuals cannot truly be friends because their outlook and actions differ. It inspires us to embrace courage and integrity in our relationships.

14. “The man or the woman who can display this nonviolence of the brave can easily stand against an external invasion.”

Gandhi suggests that those who practice nonviolence with courage can effectively resist external threats or invasions. This inspires us to value the strength of peaceful resistance in protecting our communities and ideals.

15. “Those who are truthful, nonviolent, and brave do not cease to be so because of the stupidity of their leader.”

Gandhi tells us that people who possess truthfulness, nonviolence, and bravery remain steadfast in their principles, even when their leaders may not exhibit these qualities. It inspires us to hold onto our values and not be swayed by the shortcomings of others.

16. “Ahimsa is an attribute of the brave. Cowardice and ahimsa don’t go together with any more than water and fire.”

Gandhi states that nonviolence (ahimsa) is a characteristic of the brave, and it cannot coexist with cowardice. This quote encourages us to see nonviolence as a brave and powerful approach to resolving conflicts.

17. “Ahimsa is the highest ideal. It is meant for the brave, never for the cowardly.”

Gandhi asserts that nonviolence (ahimsa) is the highest ethical principle and is meant for those with courage, not for the timid. This quote inspires us to embrace nonviolence as a moral and courageous path in our actions.

Brave Quotes by Gandhiji

“Ahimsa is the highest ideal. It is meant for the brave, never for the cowardly.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

18. “The history of the world is full of instances of men who rose to leadership by sheer force of self-confidence, bravery, and tenacity.”

Gandhi points out that history is full of leaders who achieved their positions through self-confidence, bravery, and determination. This inspires us to recognize the importance of these qualities in leadership and personal growth.

19. “A straight fight in an equal battle takes some bravery, but braver is he who, knowing that he would have to sacrifice ninety-five as against five of the enemy, faces death.”

This quote highlights that it takes courage to face an equal opponent in battle, but it’s even braver to confront a situation where the odds are overwhelmingly against you. It inspires us to admire and emulate such unwavering bravery.

Final Words: I hope you liked the above 19 Mahatma Gandhi Quotes on Brave. Don’t forget to mention the best line that you liked most from the above lines in the comment box below.

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