37 Angelina Jolie Quotes on Love, Strength, and Purpose

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Angelina Jolie, a renowned actress, filmmaker, and humanitarian, has shared insights and wisdom through her quotes that touch on various aspects of life. Her words often reflect a deep understanding of love, personal growth, empowerment, and the importance of helping others. In simple terms, Angelina Jolie’s quotes offer valuable lessons on embracing life, navigating challenges, and fostering positive change both within ourselves and in the world around us. Let’s explore the wisdom encapsulated in her words for inspiration and guidance.

37 Angelina Jolie Quotes

4 Inspirational Angelina Jolie Quotes

1. “I am a strong believer that without justice, there is no peace. No lasting peace, anyway.”

Angelina Jolie is expressing a belief that true and lasting peace cannot exist without justice. In simpler terms, if fairness and justice are not present, any sense of peace achieved is likely to be temporary or incomplete. This quote encourages the idea that addressing and resolving issues of injustice is essential for creating a more enduring and meaningful peace.

  • Teaching: True and lasting peace cannot exist without justice.
  • Takeaway: Addressing and resolving issues of injustice is essential for creating enduring and meaningful peace.
without justice, there is no peace

2. “Children teach you so much. You take another look at life when you have a child. Everything is new again for you. They ground you.”

Here, Angelina Jolie is highlighting the transformative impact of having children. She suggests that becoming a parent changes your perspective on life, making everything seem fresh and new through the eyes of your child. The phrase “They ground you” implies that children bring a sense of stability and connection to reality. In essence, having children can provide a grounding and enriching experience that broadens your outlook on life.

  • Teaching: Children bring new perspectives and a sense of wonder to life.
  • Takeaway: Parenthood transforms your outlook, making everything seem fresh, and children provide grounding and stability.

3. “When I get logical, and I don’t trust my instincts – that’s when I get in trouble.”

In this quote, Angelina Jolie emphasizes the importance of trusting one’s instincts. She suggests that relying solely on logical reasoning without considering intuitive feelings can lead to trouble. Jolie encourages the idea that a balance between logic and intuition is crucial in decision-making. It’s a reminder to not ignore your gut feelings, as they often play a valuable role in guiding choices.

  • Teaching: Trusting instincts is crucial in decision-making.
  • Takeaway: Balancing logical reasoning with intuition is important; ignoring instincts can lead to trouble.

4. “Family is what grounds you.”

Here, Angelina Jolie underscores the significance of family in providing a sense of grounding. The term “grounds you” implies that family serves as an anchor, providing stability and support in life. In the midst of life’s challenges and uncertainties, the presence of family helps keep you rooted and connected. It suggests that family plays a fundamental role in providing a sense of belonging and emotional stability.

  • Teaching: Family provides stability and support.
  • Takeaway: Family serves as an anchor, offering a sense of belonging and emotional stability; it grounds you in the midst of life’s challenges.
Family is what grounds you.

11 Angelina Jolie quotes for growth

1. “I do believe in the old saying, ‘What does not kill you makes you stronger.’ Our experiences, good and bad, make us who we are. By overcoming difficulties, we gain strength and maturity.”

Angelina Jolie is expressing a belief that challenging experiences, whether positive or negative, contribute to shaping our identity. The phrase “What does not kill you makes you stronger” suggests that overcoming difficulties and challenges builds resilience and inner strength. The teaching here is that embracing and learning from both good and bad experiences is crucial for personal growth. Each obstacle you overcome adds to your strength and maturity.

  • Teaching: Challenging experiences, both positive and negative, contribute to personal growth.
  • Takeaway: Overcoming difficulties builds resilience, strength, and maturity.

2. “If you don’t get out of the box you’ve been raised in, you won’t understand how much bigger the world is.”

Angelina Jolie is encouraging the idea of stepping outside of one’s comfort zone and the familiar environment one has grown up in. The “box” represents the limitations and familiar boundaries of your upbringing. The teaching is that true understanding and personal growth come from exploring beyond the confines of what is known. It’s an invitation to broaden your horizons, embrace diversity, and recognize the vastness of the world beyond your initial experiences.

  • Teaching: Stepping outside the familiar environment is crucial for understanding the vastness of the world.
  • Takeaway: To truly grow, one must explore beyond the confines of their upbringing and comfort zone.
you won't understand the bigger world

3. “Make bold choices and make mistakes. It’s all those things that add up to the person you become.”

Angelina Jolie advocates for taking bold actions and not being afraid to make mistakes. The teaching here is that growth comes from pushing boundaries, making choices that might be unconventional, and learning from both successes and failures. The accumulation of experiences, including mistakes, contributes to the development of your character and shapes the person you ultimately become.

  • Teaching: Making bold choices and learning from mistakes are integral to personal development.
  • Takeaway: Growth comes from taking risks, making choices, and accumulating experiences, including learning from failures.

4. “People have two sides, a good side and a bad side, a past, a future. We must embrace both in someone we love.”

Angelina Jolie is highlighting the complexity of human nature. The teaching here is that everyone has both positive and negative aspects, a history, and potential for growth. To truly love someone, it’s important to accept and embrace all facets of their personality, including their past and their potential future. This quote encourages understanding and unconditional acceptance in relationships, recognizing the multidimensional nature of individuals.

  • Teaching: People have both positive and negative aspects, a past, and a future.
  • Takeaway: True love involves accepting and embracing all facets of someone’s personality and history.

5. “People say that you’re going the wrong way when it’s simply a way of your own.”

Jolie is suggesting that others may criticize or judge the path you choose if it deviates from the norm. The teaching here is about embracing individuality and staying true to your unique journey. It encourages you to follow your own path, even if it diverges from conventional expectations. The quote advocates for authenticity and the understanding that what might seem unconventional to others could be the right path for you.

  • Teaching: Following your unique path may be perceived as wrong by others.
  • Takeaway: Embrace your individual journey, even if it differs from societal expectations; authenticity is valuable.

6. “Every day we choose who we are by how we define ourselves.”

Angelina Jolie is emphasizing the power of self-definition. The teaching is that our identity is not fixed; rather, it’s shaped daily by the choices we make in defining who we are. This quote encourages self-awareness and the recognition that our actions, decisions, and attitudes contribute to shaping our identity. It suggests that personal growth involves conscious and intentional choices in defining and becoming the person you want to be.

  • Teaching: Our identity is shaped daily by the choices we make in defining ourselves.
  • Takeaway: Personal growth involves conscious choices in defining and becoming the person you want to be; self-awareness is key.

7. “It’s hard to be clear about who you are when you are carrying around a bunch of baggage from the past. I’ve learned to let go and move more quickly into the next place.”

Angelina Jolie expresses the difficulty of understanding oneself when burdened by past experiences or “baggage.” The teaching here is about the importance of letting go of the weight of the past to move forward more freely. It suggests that personal growth involves releasing emotional baggage and embracing change, allowing for a clearer understanding of oneself. Moving on from the past allows for quicker progress in life.

  • Teaching: It’s challenging to understand oneself when carrying baggage from the past.
  • Takeaway: Letting go of emotional baggage allows for clearer self-awareness and quicker personal growth.

8. “Different is good. When someone tells you that you are different, smile and hold your head up and be proud.”

Jolie is celebrating individuality in this quote. The teaching is that being different is a positive and unique aspect of oneself. Instead of feeling discouraged when labeled as different, one should embrace it with pride and confidence. The quote encourages self-acceptance and the idea that diversity and uniqueness are strengths to be celebrated.

  • Teaching: Being different is a positive and unique aspect of oneself.
  • Takeaway: Embrace individuality with pride and confidence; diversity is a strength to be celebrated.

9. “No matter what you have gone through in your youth, it is about who you choose to be in life. You can define your own destiny. You can be stronger than a very difficult past and overcome it.”

Angelina Jolie is emphasizing the power of personal choice and resilience. The teaching is that one’s past doesn’t dictate the future; individuals have the ability to define their own destiny. It encourages the belief that, regardless of a challenging past, one can choose to be stronger and overcome difficulties. The quote empowers individuals to shape their own narrative and focus on personal growth and strength.

  • Teaching: Your past doesn’t dictate your future; you can define your own destiny.
  • Takeaway: Regardless of a difficult past, you have the power to choose strength, resilience, and overcome challenges.

10. “You can seek advice, learn about the options and make choices that are right for you. Knowledge is power.”

Angelina Jolie is emphasizing the importance of seeking knowledge and making informed choices. The teaching here is that by actively seeking advice and learning about various options, you empower yourself to make decisions that align with your needs and desires. The quote suggests that knowledge is a source of power, enabling you to navigate choices more effectively and make decisions that are personally meaningful.

  • Teaching: Seeking advice and learning about options empower you to make informed choices.
  • Takeaway: Knowledge is a source of power, enabling you to make decisions that align with your needs and aspirations.

11. “I’m trying to find things that are extremely challenging or mean something to me deeply.”

Jolie is expressing her approach to life, seeking challenges that hold personal significance. The teaching here is about the value of pursuing endeavors that are both difficult and personally meaningful. It encourages the idea that growth often occurs when we engage in activities that stretch our capabilities or have profound significance to us. The quote promotes the idea that meaningful challenges contribute to personal development and fulfillment.

  • Teaching: Pursuing things that are challenging or deeply meaningful contributes to personal growth.
  • Takeaway: Meaningful challenges can lead to personal development and fulfillment; seek endeavors that matter to you deeply.

9 Angelina Jolie quotes for life

1. “Without pain, there would be no suffering, without suffering, we would never learn from our mistakes. To make it right, pain and suffering is the key to all windows, without it, there is no way of life.”

Angelina Jolie is expressing the idea that pain and suffering are integral parts of life that contribute to personal growth. The teaching here is that mistakes and challenges, often accompanied by pain and suffering, serve as windows of opportunity for learning and improvement. Without these experiences, life lacks depth and meaning. The quote suggests that facing difficulties is essential for a fulfilling and meaningful life.

  • Teaching: Pain and suffering are essential for learning from mistakes and making life meaningful.
  • Takeaway: Challenges and difficulties serve as windows of opportunity for personal growth.

2. “The truth is I love being alive. And I love feeling free. So if I can’t have those things then I feel like a caged animal and I’d rather not be in a cage. I’d rather be dead. And it’s real simple. And I think it’s not that uncommon.”

Jolie is expressing her love for life and freedom in this quote. The teaching is about the importance of personal freedom and the desire for a fulfilling life. The quote suggests that for some, the absence of freedom can feel stifling, akin to being in a cage. It highlights the simplicity of the desire for a life that feels alive and free.

  • Teaching: The essence of a fulfilling life is in feeling alive and free.
  • Takeaway: The absence of personal freedom can feel stifling, and the desire for a vibrant, fulfilling life is fundamental.

3. “Our diversity is our strength. What a dull and pointless life it would be if everyone was the same.”

Angelina Jolie is celebrating diversity and uniqueness in this quote. The teaching is that the variety of perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds that make people different is a strength. The quote encourages the appreciation of diversity, emphasizing that a life where everyone is the same would be dull and lacking in meaning.

  • Teaching: Diversity is a source of strength, and a uniform, homogeneous life would be dull.
  • Takeaway: Embrace and appreciate the unique perspectives and experiences that diversity brings for a richer and more meaningful life.

4. “There’s something about death that is comforting. The thought that you could die tomorrow frees you to appreciate your life now.”

Angelina Jolie is expressing a perspective on the relationship between death and appreciating life. The teaching here is that the awareness of our mortality can serve as a reminder to value and appreciate the present. The thought that life is finite encourages us to live in the moment and cherish the experiences we have now. It’s a call to find comfort in the awareness of the impermanence of life and use it as a motivation to live fully.

  • Teaching: The thought of mortality can be comforting, reminding us to value and appreciate the present.
  • Takeaway: Awareness of the impermanence of life encourages living in the moment and cherishing current experiences.

5. “Anytime I feel lost, I pull out a map and stare. I stare until I have reminded myself that life is a giant adventure, so much to do, to see.”

In this quote, Jolie is sharing her method for regaining perspective when feeling lost. The teaching is that life is akin to a giant adventure with endless possibilities. By using a map as a metaphor, she suggests that there is always a way to navigate and discover new paths in life. The quote encourages viewing life as an exciting journey with numerous opportunities for exploration and growth.

  • Teaching: Life is a vast adventure with much to do and see.
  • Takeaway: Embrace the excitement and endless possibilities in life; view it as a journey full of exploration and growth.

6. “A single journey can change the course of a life.”

Jolie is highlighting the transformative power of a single journey in this quote. The teaching is that a singular experience, adventure, or decision has the potential to significantly alter the direction of one’s life. It emphasizes the idea that meaningful and impactful changes can stem from individual journeys and experiences.

  • Teaching: A single journey or experience has the potential to significantly change the course of one’s life.
  • Takeaway: Meaningful changes and transformations can stem from individual journeys and experiences.

7. “What’s risky is living your life and never trying for anything and never doing something brave and never getting yourself scared.”

Angelina Jolie is highlighting the real risk of not taking any risks in life. The teaching here is that avoiding challenges and never attempting anything brave or intimidating is the true risk. The quote encourages the idea that embracing challenges, taking risks, and facing fears are essential for a fulfilling life. It suggests that the act of trying and being brave is more rewarding than playing it safe.

  • Teaching: The real risk in life is not trying for anything, avoiding brave actions, and never facing fears.
  • Takeaway: Embrace challenges, take risks, and be brave for a more fulfilling life.

8. “Life comes with many challenges. The ones that should not scare us are the ones we can take on and take control of.”

Jolie is addressing the inevitability of challenges in life. The teaching is that not all challenges should be intimidating; some can be faced and controlled. The quote encourages the idea that while life brings challenges, there are those within our capability to handle. It emphasizes the importance of focusing on challenges that can be managed and overcome.

  • Teaching: Life comes with challenges, but not all of them should be intimidating; focus on those you can take on and control.
  • Takeaway: Prioritize challenges that are within your capacity to handle and overcome.

9. “I try not to think about my public life. I focus on my private life, and that’s just the best way to live.”

In this quote, Jolie is sharing her approach to balancing public and private aspects of life. The teaching is about prioritizing and maintaining a focus on one’s private life rather than being overly preoccupied with public perception. It suggests that a more fulfilling way to live is by emphasizing personal relationships and experiences over external judgments and expectations.

  • Teaching: Focusing on private life is a fulfilling way to live, rather than being overly concerned with public perception.
  • Takeaway: Prioritize personal relationships and experiences over external judgments and expectations for a more meaningful life.

6 Angelina Jolie quotes about woman

1. “If I make a fool of myself, who cares? I’m not frightened by anyone’s perception of me.”

Angelina Jolie is expressing a fearlessness in the face of societal judgments. The teaching here is that one should not be afraid of making mistakes or being perceived negatively by others. It encourages women to embrace their authentic selves, be unapologetic, and not let the fear of judgment hinder their actions.

  • Teaching: Don’t be afraid of making mistakes or being judged by others.
  • Takeaway: Embrace your authentic self, and don’t let fear of societal perception hinder your actions.

2. “Be brave, be bold, be free.”

This quote is a straightforward call to action. Jolie is encouraging women to embody qualities of bravery, boldness, and freedom. The teaching is about breaking free from societal constraints, taking risks, and being assertive. It reflects a feminist perspective by advocating for women to express themselves boldly and pursue their aspirations fearlessly.

  • Teaching: Be brave, be bold, and be free.
  • Takeaway: Women are encouraged to embody qualities of bravery and freedom, breaking free from societal constraints and pursuing their aspirations fearlessly.

3. “Don’t fit in. Don’t sit still. Don’t ever try to do less than you are.”

Jolie is urging women to resist conformity and mediocrity. The teaching here is to reject societal expectations that may limit one’s potential. It emphasizes the importance of standing out, staying active, and not settling for less than what one is capable of achieving. This quote encourages women to embrace their uniqueness and strive for their fullest potential.

  • Teaching: Don’t fit in, don’t sit still, and don’t settle for less than your potential.
  • Takeaway: Resist societal expectations, embrace your uniqueness, stay active, and strive for your fullest potential.

4. “Sometimes, women in families put themselves last until it manifests itself in their own health.”

Jolie is highlighting a common tendency where women often prioritize the needs of their families over their own well-being. The teaching here is that neglecting one’s own needs can have negative consequences, especially on health. It encourages women to recognize the importance of self-care and not to sacrifice their health for the sake of others.

  • Teaching: Women should not neglect their own well-being, as putting themselves last can negatively impact their health.
  • Takeaway: Recognize the significance of self-care and avoid sacrificing personal health for the sake of others.

5. “There is no greater pillar of stability than a strong, free and educated woman, and there is no more inspiring role model than a man who respects and cherishes women and champions their leadership.”

This quote emphasizes the pivotal role of empowered women in creating stability. The teaching is that a woman who is strong, free, and educated serves as a foundation of stability in various aspects of life. It also underscores the importance of men who respect, cherish, and support women’s leadership. The quote advocates for mutual respect and collaboration between genders for societal stability.

  • Teaching: A strong, free, and educated woman is a pillar of stability.
  • Takeaway: Education and freedom empower women and contribute to stability; mutual respect between genders is vital for societal harmony.

6. “I do not feel any less of a woman. I feel empowered that I made a strong choice that in no way diminishes my femininity.”

Jolie is asserting her empowerment in making choices that align with her values. The teaching here is that choices made by women, even if they deviate from traditional expectations, don’t diminish their femininity. It encourages women to feel empowered by making strong choices that reflect their individuality and personal values.

  • Teaching: Making strong choices doesn’t diminish femininity; it empowers women.
  • Takeaway: Women should feel empowered by making choices aligned with their values, even if these choices diverge from societal expectations.

5 Angelina Jolie quotes about love

1. “Love – is when you wish all the best to the people you love, when you put their interests and well-being above their own. Always.”

Jolie is describing a selfless and unconditional form of love. The teaching here is that true love involves prioritizing the interests and well-being of those you love above your own. It encourages selflessness and a continuous wish for the best for your loved ones, emphasizing a consistent commitment to their happiness.

  • Teaching: True love involves wishing the best for those you love and prioritizing their well-being above your own.
  • Takeaway: Love is selfless, and a genuine commitment to the happiness of others is an essential aspect of true love.

2. “We come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.”

This quote challenges the notion of seeking perfection in a partner. The teaching is that love isn’t about finding someone flawless, but rather learning to see and appreciate the imperfections of a person perfectly. It suggests that embracing the imperfections of a loved one is an essential aspect of genuine and enduring love.

  • Teaching: Love isn’t about finding perfection but learning to see and appreciate imperfections perfectly.
  • Takeaway: Acceptance and appreciation of the imperfections in a loved one contribute to genuine and enduring love.

3. “Love should be that person that inspires you to be a better person.”

Jolie is highlighting the transformative and uplifting nature of love. The teaching is that true love should inspire personal growth. It suggests that being with someone you love should motivate you to become a better version of yourself, fostering positive change and improvement.

  • Teaching: Love should inspire you to be a better person.
  • Takeaway: A true and transformative love motivates personal growth and positive change, encouraging individuals to become the best versions of themselves.

4. “Love elevates. Love is what you live for.”

Jolie is expressing the uplifting nature of love. The teaching here is that love has the power to elevate your emotions and experiences. It suggests that love is a source of inspiration and purpose, something that adds depth and meaning to life. The quote encourages the idea that love is a driving force that enhances and enriches one’s existence.

  • Teaching: Love has the power to elevate your emotions and experiences.
  • Takeaway: Love adds depth and meaning to life, serving as a source of inspiration and purpose.

5. “When someone loves you, and when you make someone happy, you suddenly start to feel the most beautiful person in the world.”

This quote highlights the reciprocal nature of love. The teaching is that being loved and bringing happiness to someone else has a profound impact on your own sense of self-worth. It suggests that the act of making someone happy and being loved in return contributes to a profound sense of beauty and worthiness. The quote emphasizes the positive and transformative effects of love on self-perception.

  • Teaching: Being loved and making someone happy contributes to feeling beautiful and worthy.
  • Takeaway: Love is reciprocal, and the act of bringing happiness to others positively impacts your own sense of beauty and self-worth.

2 Angelina Jolie quotes for helping others

1. “Nothing would mean anything if I didn’t live a life of use to others.”

Jolie is expressing the importance of living a life that contributes to the well-being of others. The teaching here is that a meaningful life involves being of service to others. It suggests that personal accomplishments and possessions lose significance if they don’t positively impact the lives of others. The quote encourages the idea that a life of purpose is one that serves and benefits others.

  • Teaching: A meaningful life involves contributing to the well-being of others.
  • Takeaway: Personal accomplishments gain significance when they positively impact the lives of others; living a life of use to others is essential for meaning.

2. “I honestly want to help. I don’t believe I feel differently from other people. I think we all want justice and equality, a chance for a life with meaning.”

In this quote, Jolie is expressing a shared desire for justice, equality, and a meaningful life. The teaching is that the desire to help and create positive change is a common human aspiration. It emphasizes the shared values of justice and equality that many people hold. The quote encourages the idea that the pursuit of a meaningful life involves working towards justice and equality for everyone.

  • Teaching: The desire to help and the pursuit of justice and equality are shared human aspirations.
  • Takeaway: Many people share the values of justice, equality, and the pursuit of a meaningful life; contributing to these ideals is a common and worthwhile goal.


In concluding our exploration of Angelina Jolie’s quotes, we find a reservoir of wisdom touching hearts and minds. From love’s transformative power to the imperative of selfless service, her words resonate. Jolie’s insights inspire us to embrace imperfections, seek personal growth, and contribute to a world of justice and equality. Let her wisdom continue to guide our journey toward a more meaningful and compassionate existence.
